Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Spiritual Journey

For those striving towards a spiritual journey, never give up.
Yes, you are in the minority.
But that's okay, the spiritual reward is fantastic...eternal life
with Yeshua and our heavenly Father!

Never worry about the cares and fears of the world. Many people, at this particular time in your life, will have a lot of negative comments, criticism, and questions regarding your spiritual journey. They will inquire if you've joined a cult, or some other appalling organization. You've become somewhat aloof and now are walking in a different light. A light that they will probably never understand. Not because they can't, rather they have chosen not to understand, or have decided that they know all there is to know about Yeshua and our heavenly Father. But yet, walk around with an angry spirit, fast tongues, sickness, gossipping, and worrying. Nine times out of ten, cannot converse more than ten minutes about the Bible, our Father's letter to us. Nor give an in depth lecture on the creation, the three world ages, God's covenant, the Elect, the many names of our heavenly Father, or the many parables that Yeshua spoke, and more.

Too much knowledge can be frightening to some. It can be very hard, as we are living in this world, filled with riches, power, luxurious items, status, and the like, to not want to follow in the world's footsteps. But what does all of the riches, fancy cars and traditions of man mean? In Yeshua's eyes...absolutely nothing. To those who have decided to walk the spiritual path...absolutely nothing. Being a successful attorney, doctor, CEO, movie star, rock star, or the like will not get you into heaven. And you certainly cannot take those things with you. Not to hell nor heaven.

Society is so bottled down with "the riches and cares of the world" which team is going to the play-offs, which reality show is getting an award, which dancing or singing sensation will win the grand prize, what are the celebrities up to now. Our world is filled with rage, envy, jealousy, murder, idolatry, fornication, mischief and strife. We've left our heavenly Father and have decided to do things according to "man". What a miraculous world this would be, if we all lived according to our heavenly Father's plan.

Our heavenly Father wants you to believe, study and worship only him. Let Him guide your footsteps, and life will be so much easier. We can do good things well and have good intentions; however, good things can fail. But our heavenly Father does all things well, and they will never fail. He will never lead you astray or have you take the wrong path. Never be offended in Yeshua's name.Trust in our heavenly Father and not man.

"If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." John 15:19

"These thing have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offeded." John 16:1

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