Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Quelle est l'abomination de la desolation

Il y a beaucoup de discussions autour de l'abomination de la désolation. Après avoir regardé les nouvelles un après-midi, une photo du Dôme du Rocher a comparu. À ce moment-là, je me demandais si le Dôme du Rocher pourrait être l'abomination de la désolation. J'ai immédiatement a attrapé ma Bible, ce qui n'est jamais trop loin de mon côté, et a commencé à étudier les écritures à nouveau. De préférence, Marc 13, Luc 21 et Daniel 11,12 .

L'abomination : bdelugma {bdel › -oog-mah} de 948 ; TDNT - 1:598.103; n n audiovisuel - l'abomination 6 ; 6 1) une chose dégoutante, une chose détestable 1a) d'idoles et de choses qui rapporte à l'idolâtrie.

Maintenant, le mot clé dans cette définition est, l' « idolâtrie » et nous savons que l'idolâtrie signifie pour l'adorer ou quelque chose autrement que notre Père céleste, le créateur du ciel et la terre et toutes les créatures vivantes sur la terre, dans la mer et sous la mer.

Nous permettre de prendre un regarder Marque 13:14, « Mais quand vous verrez que l'abomination de désolation, parlée de par Daniel le prophète, se tenant où il ne doit pas, (le laisser que readeth comprend,) alors laisser les qui est à Judée fuient aux montagnes : »

Le mot, se « tenant » en italique je pense quand la plupart des gens entendent que le mot ils tout de suite pensent à quelqu'un se tenant, un corps humain ; toutefois, dans le Fort Accord, la définition hébraïque/grec de tenir est le suivre :

La position : histemi {le sien › -lié-mee} une forme prolongée d'un stao primaire {stah › -o} (du même sens, et utilisé pour lui dans les certains temps) ; TDNT - 7:638.1082; v audiovisuel - tient 116, la série 11, établir 5, la position toujours 4, la position par 3, divers 17, la position de vr 2 ; 158 1) causer ou faire se tenir, placer, mettre, a réglé 1a) offrir pour se tenir prêt, [la série en haut] 1a1) dans la présence de d'autres, dans le milieu, avant que les juges, avant que les membres du Sanhedrin ; 1a2) pour placer 1b) faire l'entreprise, réparer établir 1b1) pour causer une personne ou une chose à garder son ou son lieu 1b2) pour se tenir, est gardé intact (de famille, un royaume), s'échapper dans la sécurité 1b3) pour établir une chose, le causer de tenir 1b31) pour soutenir ou soutenir l'autorité ou la force de n'importe quoi 1c) régler ou le lieu dans un équilibre 1c1) pour peser : l'argent à l'un (parce que dans très tôt les temps avant que l'introduction de monnaie, les métaux ont été pesés) 2) tenir 2a) se tenir prêt ou près de 2a1) pour arrêter, la position toujours, se tenir immuable, la position ferme 2a1a) de la fondation d'une construction 2b) tenir 2b1) continue sain et sauf, la position indemne, tenir prêt ou prêt 2b2) pour être d'un esprit inébranlable 2b3) de qualité, l'un qui n'hésite pas, ne fait pas la renunciation

Maintenant, nous savons de la définition ci-dessus mentionnée que n'importe quoi tenir peut être une fondation immuable qui a été placée, a mis ou régler. Donc, la « position » de mot ne se réfère pas nécessairement à un être humain, ce peut être un bâtiment ou une fondation aussi.

Maintenant, laissez-nous la sauvegarde un peu. Ce qu'est exactement le Dôme du Rocher ? Où est-il localisé ?

Le Dôme du Rocher est un Sanctuaire Islamique. Il se tient dans le lieu exact du Temple premier et de deuxième juif.

Le Dôme du Rocher est localisé au centre visuel d'une plateforme connue comme le Mont de Temple. Il a été construit sur le site du Deuxième Temple juif, qui a été détruit pendant le Siège romain de Jérusalem dans 70 CE. Dans 637 CE, Jérusalem s'est rendue à l'armée de Caliphate de Rashidun pendant la conquête musulmane de Syrie. Le Deuxième Temple était le sanctuaire juif le plus important qui a tenu sur le Mont de Temple à Jérusalem entre 516 BCE et 70 CE. Il a remplacé le Premier Temple, construit par Salomon, qui a été détruit dans 586 BCE, quand la nation juive a été exilée à Babylone.

Nous permettre d'aller de retour dans les temps Bibliques dans les Chroniques II 3:1, « Alors Salomon a commencé à construire la maison du SEIGNEUR à Jérusalem dans Moriah de mont, où le Seigneur est apparu à David son père, dans le lieu que David avait préparé dans le threshingfloor d'Ornan le Jebusite ». Nous savons des écritures que Salomon a construit la première maison du SEIGNEUR sur le Mont de Temple. Et Nehemiah et autres juifs/hébreus ont commencé construire le deuxième Temple dans le livre entier de Nehemiah 1-13.

Quel est le Mont de Temple ? Bien, c'est un des sites religieux les plus importants dans la Vieille Ville de Jérusalem. le Mont de Temple est ordinairement référé à comme le lieu où notre Père/Dieu a choisi la Présence Divine pour reposer Isaiah 8:18 ; selon quelques érudits, c'était du Mont de Temple que le monde a augmenté dans sa forme présente et où notre Père/Dieu a rassemblé la poussière qui est utilisée créer le premier homme, Adam. Le site est aussi su pour être l'emplacement de reliure d'Abraham d'Isaac, trouvé dans Genèse 22:1-19.

Pendant mon étude de ceci, qui me rappelle de, Timothy II 2:15, « l'Etude à s'est montrée approuvé à Dieu, un ouvrier que needeth pour ne pas avoir honte, divisant correctement le mot de vérité ». J'ai trouvé un article merveilleux autorisé : Le Temps de la Résurrection comme Révélé dans Daniel 12, écrit par David M Rogers, www.BibleTruth.cc et Publié : Le 2006 juillet. En lisant son article, je pourrais voir vraiment que l'effort et étudiant qui a été mis en avant dans l'édition de cet article. S'il vous plaît copier et coller le lien au dessous :


Que j'ai trouvé véritablement remarquable dans l'étude prophétie Biblique, est la majorité du Corps de Christ, ne pas consentir sur le livre de Révélation : toutefois, plus consentir dans le moment d'événements et attester à la conviction que nous sommes dans le dernier des derniers jours. J'ai remarqué aussi qu'un grand nombre, d'individus qui n'acceptent pas notre Word du Père comme la vérité ou la direction, mais plutôt regarder le monde sur un point de vue économique, aussi consentir que nous sommes dans le dernier des derniers jours. Nous ne saurons jamais l'heure ou le jour que notre Messie retournera ; toutefois, nous saurons la saison.

Luke 12:54-56 Yeshua/Jésus dit, “...When vous voyez une hausse de nuage de l'ouest, tout de suite vous dites, Là cometh une douche ; et si c'est. Et quand vous voyez le coup du sud de vent, vous dites, il y aura la chaleur ; et il cometh pour passer. Vous les hypocrites, vous pouvez discerner le visage du ciel et de la terre ; mais l'est comment que vous ne discernez pas cette fois › ? Ceci est le chapitre où Yeshua/Jésus instruit Ses disciples pour regarder et préparer.

Maintenant en ce qui concerne le Temple. Nous permettre de regarder Révélation 21:1-3, « Et j'ai vu un nouveau ciel et une nouvelle terre : pour le premier ciel et la première terre ont été loin passés ; et il n'y avait pas plus de mer. Et je John a vu la ville sainte, nouvelle Jérusalem, descendant de Dieu du ciel, préparé comme une mariée a paré pour son mari, Et j'ai entendu une grande voix de dire de ciel, Contempler, le tabernacle de Dieu est avec les hommes, et il demeurera avec eux, et ils seront ses gens, et Dieu que se sera avec eux, et être leur Dieu ».

Il y a beaucoup d'individus qui attendent un nouveau Temple être construits ; toutefois, quelques croyants, y compris me, ne pas croient qu'il y aura un nouveau Temple construit surtout par les mains d'homme. Pour la nouvelle Jérusalem descendra du ciel comme il est écrit dans Révélation 21:1-3. Cette terre comme nous savons qu'il passera loin. Pour ces individus qui croient en le bâtiment d'un nouveau Temple, pouvoir je suggère que vous continuez à lisant ces vers qui suggèrent un bâtiment de nouveau Temple, alors lire le chapitre entier, alors lire le Livre entier que l'écriture est venue de toujours lisant cependant l'Esprit. Vous pouvez recevoir une révélation différente. Quelquefois les individus retirent un vers et une course avec cela, au lieu de lire le chapitre entier. C'est important que nous étudiions à nous est montré approuvé, au lieu de comptant sur quelqu'un pour les informations, qui peut ou ne pourrait pas s'être étudié.

Nous savons que ce monde fera un jour s'est achevé ; ce n'est pas une question de si mais une question de quand. Donc, c'est impératif pour tout ceux-là dans le Corps de Christ pour se repentir quotidien et commet entièrement à l'être un partisan de notre Yeshua/Jésus de frère. Comme toujours rester dans l'Esprit et dans le Word.

Notre écriture de fermeture sera encore, du livre de Timothy II 2:15, « l'Etude à s'est montrée approuvé à Dieu, un ouvrier que needeth pour ne pas avoir honte, divisant correctement le mot de vérité ». Ce vers signifie que vous ne devez pas être d'accord avec les masses, surtout si l'Esprit Saint vous dit quelque chose différent. Vous pouvez vous tenir seul dans vos convictions est dirigé par l'Esprit Saint. Mais se souvenir de ceci, vous et notre Père toujours fera la majorité.

Autres Ressources :

Voici un extrait de : La Devinette du Dôme du Rocher : Etait l'A Construit comme un Lieu juif de Prière

« Ce bâtiment qui est localisé sur le site exact des Premiers et Deuxièmes Temples ne peut jamais être un remplacement pour le Troisième Temple. Ceci, comme la mosquée d'Aqsa d'El, est un bâtiment étranger sur le Mont de Temple. Selon le Tanach (qui même les musulmans croient) le Mont de Temple devrait être seulement le site d'une maison, la maison du G-D d'Israël. Comme avec les autres bâtiments étrangers qui ont été construits sur le Mont de Temple aprés la destruction du Deuxième Temple ils sont une abomination. G-d les enlèvera de Sa colline sainte et Il le fera encore le site saint de Son vrai « la dernière maison » — le Troisième Temple ».

Ecrit par La Voix du Fidèle de Mont de Temple : L'été 5761/2001

Lire l'article entier à : http://www.templemountfaithful.org/Newsletters/2001/5761-11.htm s'assure que vous copiez et collez le lien. Je pense que vous le trouverez très intéressant.

Ecrit par les ministres au Réseau Léger.
Tous les lecteurs français peuvent partir un commentaire, merci ! 

¿Qué es la abominación de la desolación

Hay mucha discusión giran en torno a la abominación de la desolación. Después de ver las noticias de una tarde, apareció una foto de la cúpula de la roca. En ese momento, me preguntaba si la cúpula de la roca podría ser la abominación de la desolación. Inmediatamente agarré mi Biblia, que nunca está demasiado lejos de mi lado y comenzó a mirar las escrituras de nuevo. Preferiblemente, Marcos 13, Lucas 21 y Daniel 11,12.
¿A partir de ahí sacó de mi concordancia en búsqueda de ' lo que exactamente significa la palabra 'abominación'? Y según la concordancia de Strong la definición de hebreo/griego G0946, significa lo siguiente:

Abominacion: βδελυγμα bdelugma {bdel'-oog-mah} 948; TDNT - 1:598, 103; AV n n - abominación 6; 1 6) una cosa mal, una cosa detestable 1a) de ídolos y las cosas que atañen a la idolatría.

Ahora, es la palabra clave en esta definición, 'idolatría' y sabemos que idolatría significa adorar a alguien o algo que no sea nuestro padre celestial, el creador de los cielos y la tierra y todas las criaturas vivientes en la tierra, en el mar y bajo el mar.

Echemos un vistazo a Marcos 13:14, ' pero cuando veréis la abominación desoladora, hablado por Daniel el profeta, permanente donde no debería (dejarle que lee entienda,) luego dejo que en Judea huir a las montañas:'

La palabra en cursiva, 'permanente' yo creo que cuando la mayoría de la gente oír esa palabra inmediatamente piensa en alguien de pie, un cuerpo humano; Sin embargo, en concordancia de Strong, la definición de hebreo/griego de pie es el siguiente:

Posición: ιστημι histemi {his'-tay-mee} una forma prolongada de stao primario {stah '-o} (del mismo sentido, y usado para ello en ciertos tiempos); TDNT - 7:638,1082; v AV - están de pie 116, ponen 11, establecer 5, estarse quieto 4, estar preparado 3, misc 17, los vr están de pie 2; 158 1) para causar o hacer para estar de pie, colocar, puesto, juego 1a) para ofrecer para estar preparado, [establecer] 1a1) en la presencia de otros, en el medio, antes de jueces, antes de miembros del Sanedrín; 1a2) para colocar 1b) para hacer la firma, el apuro establece 1b1) para causar a una persona o una cosa de conservarse su o su lugar 1b2) para estar de pie, ser guardado intacto (de la familia, un reino), para escaparse en la seguridad 1b3) para establecer una cosa, hacer que esto esté de pie 1b31) para sostener o sostener la autoridad o fuerza de algo 1c) para poner o colocar en un equilibrio 1c1) pesar: dinero a un (porque en tiempos muy tempranos antes de la introducción de monedas, los metales solían ser pesados) 2) para estar de pie 2a) para estar preparados o cerca 2a1) pararse, estése quieto, para estar de pie inmueble, mantenerse firme 2a1a) de la fundación de un edificio 2b) para estar de pie 2b1) siguen sano y salvo, soporte ileso, para estar listo o preparado 2b2) para ser de una mente firme 2b3) de la calidad, uno quién no vacila, no hace la renuncia.

Ahora, sabemos de la susodicha definición que algo la posición puede ser una fundación inmueble que fue colocada, puesta o puesta. Por lo tanto, la palabra 'posición' no necesariamente se refiere a un ser humano, puede ser un edificio o una fundación también.

Ahora, vamos a respaldar un poco. ¿Qué es la cúpula de la roca? ¿Donde localizado?

La cúpula de la roca es un santuario islámico. Se encuentra en el lugar exacto del primer y segundo templo judío.

La Cúpula de la Roca está localizada en el centro visual de una plataforma conocida como el Monte del Templo. Fue construido en el área del Segundo Templo judío, que fue destruido durante el Sitio romano de Jerusalén en 70 Iglesia Anglicana. En 637 Iglesia Anglicana, Jerusalén se rindió al ejército de Califato Rashidun durante la conquista musulmana de Siria. El Segundo Templo era el lugar sagrado judío más importante que estuvo de pie en el Monte del Templo en Jerusalén entre 516 BCE y 70 Iglesia Anglicana. Esto sustituyó el Primer Templo, construido por Solomon, que fue destruido en 586 BCE, cuando la nación judía fue desterrada a Babylon.

Vamos a ir hacia atrás en los tiempos bíblicos en II crónicas 3:1, 'entonces Salomón comenzó a construir la casa del Señor en Jerusalén en el monte Moria, donde el Señor apareció a David, su padre, en el lugar que David había preparado en el threshingfloor de Ornan el jebuseo.' Sabemos por las escrituras que Salomón construyó la primera casa del Señor en el Monte del templo. Y Nehemías y otros judíos/hebreos comenzaron a construir el segundo templo en todo el libro de Nehemías 1-13.

¿Cuál es el Monte del Templo? Bien, es uno de los sitios religiosos más importantes en la Vieja Ciudad de Jerusalén. el Monte del Templo es comúnmente referido como el lugar donde nuestro Padre/Dios eligió la Presencia Divina para descansar a Isaiah 8:18; según algunos eruditos, era del Monte del Templo que el mundo amplió en su forma presente y donde nuestro Padre/Dios se enteró de que el polvo solía crear al primer hombre, Adán. También se conoce que el sitio es la posición de Abraham obligatorio de Isaac, encontrado en la Génesis 22:1-19.

Durante mi estudio de esto, que me recuerda, II Timoteo 2:15, 'estudiar a shew a ti mismo aprobado a Dios, como obrero que avergonzarse no, con razón, dividiendo la palabra de verdad.' He encontrado un magnífico artículo titulado: el tiempo de la resurrección como revelada en Daniel 12, escrito por David M. Rogers, www.BibleTruth.cc y publicación: julio de 2006. Al leer su artículo, realmente pude ver el esfuerzo y estudio fue presentado en la publicación de este artículo. Copie y pegue el siguiente enlace:

http://www.bibletruth.cc/Body_AbominationofDesolation.htm (En inglés solamente, lo siento.)

Lo que he encontrado verdaderamente notable en el estudio de la profecía bíblica, es la mayoría del cuerpo de Cristo, no está de acuerdo en el libro de Apocalipsis: sin embargo, la mayoría está de acuerdo en el calendario de eventos y atestiguan la creencia de que estamos en el último de los últimos días. También he notado que un gran número, de las personas que no aceptan nuestro padre de la palabra como verdad u orientación, pero más bien mirar al mundo en un punto de vista económico, también de acuerdo en que estamos en el último de los últimos días. Nunca sabremos la hora o el día en que nuestro Mesías volverá; Sin embargo, sabemos la temporada.

Lucas 12:54 Yeshúa/Jesús dice, "... Cuando veis una nube lugar fuera de la ribera occidental, luego vosotros decís, viene una ducha; y por lo que es. Y cuando veis el viento del sur golpe vosotros decís, habrá calor; y que viene a pasar. Hipócritas, ye puede discernir la faz del cielo y de la tierra; pero, ¿cómo es que vosotros no discernir esta vez?" Este es el capítulo donde Yeshúa/Jesús es instruir a sus discípulos a ver y prepararse.

Ahora en cuanto al Templo. Vaya a mirar la Revelación 21:1-3, 'Y vi un nuevo cielo y una nueva tierra: ya que el primer cielo y la primera tierra fueron fallecidos; y no había más mar. Y yo John vio la ciudad santa, nuevo Jerusalén, bajando de Dios del cielo, preparado como una novia embellecida para su marido, Y oí una gran voz del refrán de cielo, Contemple, el templo de Dios está con hombres, y él morará con ellos, y ellos deben ser su gente, y Dios él mismo debe estar con ellos, y ser su Dios.'

Hay muchos individuos que esperan un nuevo Templo a ser construidos; sin embargo, algunos creyentes, incluso mí, no creen que haya un nuevo Templo construido sobre todo por las manos del hombre. Ya que el nuevo Jerusalén bajará del cielo como es escrito en la Revelación 21:1-3. Esta tierra ya que lo sabemos(conocemos) fallecerá. Para aquellos individuos que creen en el edificio de un nuevo Templo, puede yo sugerir que usted siga leyendo aquellos versos que sugieren un edificio del nuevo Templo, luego leen el capítulo entero, luego leen el Libro entero que la escritura vino de, sin embargo, siempre leyendo en el Espíritu. Usted puede recibir una revelación diferente. A veces los individuos sacan un verso y carrera con ello, más bien que leer el capítulo entero. Es importante que estudiemos a shew nosotros mismos aprobado, más bien que confiar en alguien para la información, que puede o puede no haberse estudiado.

Sabemos que este mundo algún día llegará a su fin; no es una cuestión de si, sino de cuándo. Por lo tanto, es imprescindible para todos aquellos que en el cuerpo de Cristo a arrepentirse diariamente y comprometerse completamente a ser un seguidor de nuestro hermano Jesús/Yeshua. Como siempre en el espíritu y la palabra.

Nuestra escritura de cierre va a ser una vez más, el libro de II Timoteo 2:15, 'estudiar a shew a ti mismo aprobado a Dios, como obrero que avergonzarse no, con razón, dividiendo la palabra de verdad.' Este verso significa que no tienes que ir junto con las masas, especialmente si el Espíritu Santo está diciendo algo diferente. Usted puede solos en sus creencias, siendo guiados por el Espíritu Santo. Pero recuerde esto, usted y nuestro padre siempre hacen la mayoría. 

Otros recursos

Aquí es un extracto de: el acertijo de la cúpula de la roca: se construyó como un lugar de oración judía

'Este edificio que está localizado en el área exacta de los Primeros y Segundos Templos nunca puede ser un reemplazo para el Tercer Templo. Esto, como la mezquita Aqsa el-, es un edificio extranjero del Monte del Templo. Según Tanach (que hasta los Musulmanes creen) el Monte del Templo sólo debería ser el área de una casa, la casa del G-d de Israel. Como con otros edificios extranjeros que fueron basados en el Monte del Templo después de la destrucción del Segundo Templo ellos son una abominación. G-d los quitará de Su colina santa y Él lo hará otra vez el lugar sagrado de Su verdadera “última casa” — el Tercer Templo.'

Escrito por la voz del templo Monte fiel: verano 5761/2001

Lea el artículo entero en: http://www.templemountfaithful.org/Newsletters/2001/5761-11.htm (En inglés solamente, lo siento.) asegúrese que usted copia y pega la relación(enlace). Creo que usted lo encontrará muy interesante.

Lectores españoles por favor dejan un comentario, gracias!
Escrito por Nicole Rubio

Síguenos en http://finveces.blogspot.com/

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Abomination of Desolation

There is a lot of discussion revolving around the Abomination of Desolation. After watching the news one afternoon, a picture of the Dome of the Rock appeared. At that very moment, I wondered if the Dome of the Rock could be the Abomination of Desolation. I immediately grabbed my Bible, which is never too far from my side, and began to look at the scriptures again. Preferably, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Daniel 11,12. From there I pulled out my concordance in search of, "What exactly does the word "abomination" mean? And according to the Strong's Concordance the Hebrew/Greek definition # G0946, means the following:

Abomination: βδελυγμα bdelugma {bdel'-oog-mah} from 948; TDNT - 1:598,103; n n AV - abomination 6; 6 1) a foul thing, a detestable thing 1a) of idols and things pertaining to idolatry.

Now, the key word in this definition is, "idolatry" and we know that idolatry means to worship someone or something other than our heavenly Father, the creator of the heaven and the earth and all living creatures on the land, in the sea and under the sea. 

Let's take a look at Mark 13:14, "But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:"

The word in italics, "standing" I think when most people hear that word they immediately think of someone standing, a human body; however, in the Strong's Concordance, the Hebrew/Greek definition of standing is the following: 

Standing: ιστημι histemi {his'-tay-mee} a prolonged form of a primary stao {stah'-o} (of the same meaning, and used for it in certain tenses); TDNT - 7:638,1082; v AV - stand 116, set 11, establish 5, stand still 4, stand by 3, misc 17, vr stand 2; 158 1) to cause or make to stand, to place, put, set 1a) to bid to stand by, [set up] 1a1) in the presence of others, in the midst, before judges, before members of the Sanhedrin; 1a2) to place 1b) to make firm, fix establish 1b1) to cause a person or a thing to keep his or its place 1b2) to stand, be kept intact (of family, a kingdom), to escape in safety 1b3) to establish a thing, cause it to stand 1b31) to uphold or sustain the authority or force of anything 1c) to set or place in a balance 1c1) to weigh: money to one (because in very early times before the introduction of coinage, the metals used to be weighed) 2) to stand 2a) to stand by or near 2a1) to stop, stand still, to stand immovable, stand firm 2a1a) of the foundation of a building 2b) to stand 2b1) continue safe and sound, stand unharmed, to stand ready or prepared 2b2) to be of a steadfast mind 2b3) of quality, one who does not hesitate, does not waiver

Now, we know from the above definition that anything standing can be an immovable foundation that was placed, put or set. Therefore, the word "standing" does not necessarily refer to a human being, it can be a building or a foundation as well.

Now, let's back up a little bit. What exactly is the Dome of the Rock? Where is it located?   

The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic Shrine. It stands in the exact place of the first and second Jewish Temple. 

The Dome of the Rock is located at the visual center of a platform known as the Temple Mount. It was constructed on the site of the Second Jewish Temple, which was destroyed during the Roman Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. In 637 CE, Jerusalem surrendered to the Rashidun Caliphate army during the Muslim conquest of Syria. The Second Temple was the most important Jewish shrine which stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem between 516 BCE and 70 CE. It replaced the First Temple, built by Solomon, which was destroyed in 586 BCE, when the Jewish nation was exiled to Babylon. 

Let's go back in Biblical times in II Chronicles 3:1, "Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where the Lord appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite." We know from scriptures that Solomon built the first house of the LORD on the Temple Mount. And Nehemiah and other Jews/Hebrews began constructing the second Temple in the entire book of Nehemiah 1-13.

What is the Temple Mount? Well, it's one of the most important religious sites in the Old City of Jerusalem. the Temple Mount is commonly referred to as the place where our Father/God chose the Divine Presence to rest Isaiah 8:18; according to some scholars, it was from the Temple Mount that the world expanded into its present form and where our Father/God gathered the dust used to create the first man, Adam. The site is also known to be the location of Abraham's binding of Isaac, found in Genesis 22:1-19.

During my studying of this, which reminds me of, II Timothy 2:15, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." I found a wonderful article entitled: The Time of the Resurrection as Revealed in Daniel 12, written by David M Rogers, www.BibleTruth.cc and Published: July 2006. Upon reading his article, I could really see the effort and studying that was put forth in the publishing of this article. Please copy and paste the link below: 


What I have found truly remarkable in studying Biblical prophecy, is the majority of the Body of Christ, do not agree on the book of Revelation: however, most agree in the timing of events and attest to the belief that we're in the last of the last days. I have also noticed that a great number, of individuals who do not accept our Father's Word as truth or guidance, but rather look at the world on an economic standpoint, also agree that we're in the last of the last days. We will never know the hour or the day that our Messiah will return; however, we will know the season.

Luke 12:54-56 Yeshua/Jesus says, "...When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is. And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass. Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?' This is the chapter where Yeshua/Jesus is instructing His disciples to watch and prepare.

Now with regard to the Temple. Let's look at Revelation 21:1-3, "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God."

There are a lot of individuals who are waiting for a new Temple to be built; however, some believers, including myself, do not believe that there will be a new Temple built especially by the hands of man. For the new Jerusalem will come down from heaven as it is written in Revelation 21:1-3. This earth as we know it will pass away. For those individuals who believe in the building of a new Temple, may I suggest that you keep reading those verses that suggest a building of new Temple, then read the entire chapter, then read the entire Book that the scripture came from, however, always reading in the Spirit. You may receive a different revelation. Sometimes individuals pull out a verse and run with it, rather than reading the entire chapter. It's important that we study to shew ourselves approved, rather than relying on someone for information, who may or may not have studied themselves.

We know that this world will one day come to an end; it's not a matter of if but a matter of when. Therefore, it is imperative for all those in the Body of Christ to repent daily and fully commit to being a follower of our brother Yeshua/Jesus. As always remain in the Spirit and in the Word.

Our closing scripture is going to be again, from the book of II Timothy 2:15, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." This verse means that you don't have to go along with the masses, especially if the Holy Spirit is telling you something different. You may stand alone in your beliefs being guided by the Holy Spirit. But remember this, you and our Father will always make the majority.

Other Resources:

Here is an excerpt from: The Riddle of the Dome of the Rock: Was it Built as a Jewish Place of Prayer

"This building which is located on the exact site of the First and Second Temples can never be a replacement for the Third Temple. This, like the El Aqsa mosque, is a foreign building on the Temple Mount. According to the Tanach (which even the Moslems believe) the Temple Mount should only be the site of one house, the house of the G-d of Israel. As with other foreign buildings which were built on the Temple Mount after the destruction of the Second Temple they are an abomination. G-d will remove them from His holy hill and He will again make it the holy site of His real “last house” — the Third Temple."

Written by The Voice of the Temple Mount Faithful: Summer 5761/2001

Read the entire article at: http://www.templemountfaithful.org/Newsletters/2001/5761-11.htm make sure you copy and paste the link. I think you'll find it very interesting.

My Humble Jewel: A Dedication for Trayvon Martin's Mom

“We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the LORD.” II Corinthians 5:8

Oh my precious flower, for I have watched you bloom
I have seen your smile and charming laughter brighten up a room

Good morning my loving sunshine, your eyes are sparkling bright
Although your spirit may be gone
Your glorious legend is still here
Family and friends will miss you so
They’ll hold your name extremely dear

Good afternoon my golden treasure, you have enlightened my very day
Bringing joy throughout the world and to all that come your way
Your warm hugs and gentle kisses will never fade away
You’ll forever be a light to the world in a very unique and special way

Good night my little angel, your heavenly Father draws you near
Your spirit is filled with joy and love, in Him there’s nothing to fear
For to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD
Yes! Oh, yes! My son is with the LORD!

Oh departed soul, the apple of my eye, you have flown away so very high
If I could reach my hands above stretching toward the sky
I’d grab you tight with all my might and never let you go
But now you’re with our Father above
He’s showering you with everlasting love

Oh my delicate rose, until we meet face to face
I’ll hold your love in a special place
Rejoicing upon the streets of gold
In happiness always, we’ll never grow old

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has gathered you unto his wings
As the angels rejoice, and David worships, the saints beautifully sing

While the Spirit of the LORD shines deeply within my heart
I have always loved you from the very start
I love you now and I always will, forever and today

For to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD
Yes! Oh, yes! My son is with the LORD!
My humble jewel is resting above filled with the warmth of Yeshua’s love

A Special Dedication to Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin
Written by T. Nicole Rubio on March 29, 2012

Miraculous Reflections of our Father

Miraculous Reflections of our Father, the creator of the Heavens and the Earth

II Peter 3:8 “…be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the LORD as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

Our heavenly Father is the creator of all things. He created the heavens and the earth in six days by a spoken Word, and He saw that everything was—good. He created the evening and the morning; the land, which He called earth; and the glorious seas.

He created grass, the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind. Our Father created two great lights in the heavens; the greater light to rule day, and the lesser light to rule night. He made the stars, the planets, sun and the moon. And our Father saw that everything was—good.

He created every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, every beast of the earth and cattle. He created all the great whales and every creature in the waters. And our Father said, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.” And our Father saw that it was—good.

And our Father created man in His own image, in the image of our Father created He him; male and female. And our Father said, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:28

And our Father gave them every herb bearing seed, upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; for them it was for meat.

And our Father created man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And he became a living soul. Out of Adam was woman formed, from the rib of Adam. And Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.Genesis 2:22-23. And he called his wife—Eve; because she was the mother of all living. Genesis 3:20.

And Adam and Eve were placed in the beautiful Garden of Eden. And our Father made a river flow out of Eden to water the garden—and it was so. And from there it was parted, and became into four heads, allowing the flow of water in four different directions.

Our heavenly Father created everything that we see upon the face of the land and the seas. He created you and He created me. He knows, without counting, the number of hairs on our head; He knows what we’re thinking and He knows what our needs our, even before we ask. He knows what is best for us, even if we do not quite understand. He keeps His children as the apple of His eye, protecting them, nourishing them, and shielding them.

He is the Rock is work is perfect. He is a Father of truth without sin; He is just and He is righteous; for there are no other gods with Him, neither is there anyone or anything that can deliver out of His hands. I will always proclaim the name of Yahweh, and ascribe greatness unto the heavenly Father, creator of the heavens, earth, all living creatures on the land, and in the seas. He lives forever.

He is the heavenly Father who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and rested and sanctified the seventh day, to keep it Holy. He set it apart from all the other days, for it to be a sign between Him and His children for all future generations. Exodus 31:17. The Sabbath is a day to keep in remembrance; for it is a day to remember, with praise, glory, fellowship and thanksgiving. It is the only Commandment that our Father commanded us to—remember.

There are NO other gods with Him

Our Father, is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the God of the children of Israel His chosen people. Jacob is the lot of His inheritance; he found Him in a desert land and in a waste howling wilderness and there were no other gods with him.

Our Father is so mighty, so powerful, and so magnificent. He parted the Red Sea, and held it back with His Will allowing 600,000 Hebrews to cross safely on land. He provided Manna from heaven, so the children of Israel would have food for their journey. Our Father produced honey and water out of a rock and oil out of a flinty rock.

Halleluyah! Our Father makes all things happen according to His will. He kills and He makes alive; He wounds and He heals. All things are done according to His purpose. With our Father on our side you and Him make the majority. How can one battle a thousand? And two put ten thousand to flight? Only by the Will of our Father, our Rock, who quiets our enemies and puts them to shame.

  • How can Noah, one person, build an Ark to withstand a great flood? Only by the Will of His Father who gave him the plans.
  • How can a woman named Sarah, have a child at 90 years old?! Only by the grace, Will and promise of our Father, the creator of all things.
  • How can Moses deliver the Ten Commandments to the children of Israel on Mount Sinai?! Only by the Will, love, and patience of our Father who wrote them with His finger, the finger of our God, the creator of all things.
  • How can the children of Israel wander in the wilderness for 40 years, and their shoes never get worn?! Only by the Will and love of our Father, who was a miraculous cloud to them by day; and a pillar of fire by night.
  • How can a small boy named David, defeat Goliath, a giant in the land?! Because he and our Father made the majority and nothing is too big for our Father.
  • How can Solomon build a temple for our Father? Only by the Will of our Father who was the architect.
  • How can three males, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be thrown into a fire and suffer no injuries, and their garments still in tact?! Only be the mercy and love of our Father, who was with them, making it four who walked through the fire.
  • How can a man named Daniel, be thrown into a lion’s den and come out alive and without a scratch or hair removed?! Only by our Father’s Will and protection who quieted, tamed, withheld the lions.
  • How can Nehemiah rebuild the temple of Yahweh that was destroyed?! Only by the Will and direction from our Father, who guided his steps, strengthened his heart, and directed his spirit.
  • How can Enoch and Elijah be translated up to heaven in a whirlwind?! Only by the Will of our Father who called for them.
When we inhale, our Father exhales, breathing into us the breath of life; when our heart beats it beats to the tune of His mercy and love. When we close and open our eyes, we have vision because of the kindness of His true nature. When we hear the singing of birds and swaying of trees it is the gift from our Father above. When we rise to our feet, we are standing before our God, the creator of the heavens and the earth. And when we take that step—it is because our Father is still on the Throne.

O heavenly and gracious Father, as I continue to walk faithfully in your grace and mercy, give me a pure, understanding, and wise heart. Make straight my path to everlasting life, keeping me safe from harm and the evil presence of the evil one. Forget me not on the day of our Messiah, but remember me Father, your faithful servant. With all sincerity, love and affection, I praise you and only you. Amen.

Written by T. Nicole Rubio

Hagar: The Egyptian Servant

Hagar, the Egyptian Servant
(El’roi, that is, Yahweh/God is seeing)

When we read the story of Abram and Sarai, his wife, in the book of Genesis, we learn that Sarai and Abram were stricken in years before they had children. However, our Father made a covenant with Abram stating that he will have an heir from his seed, and would be great in number, dwell in the land of Canaan, and inherit great substance. However, Sarai was still barren, and decided to assist the process by inviting her servant, Hagar to have a child with Abram.

Hagar, the young Egyptian servant agreed to carry a child for Abram and his wife, Sarai. Thus, after Hagar was with child, Sarai notice that Hagar was despised in her eyes. As a result, Sarai dealt harshly with her, and Hagar immediately fled from her presence. After she fled, an angel of the LORD found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness and said, “…Hagar, Sarai’s maid, whence camest thou? And whither wilt thou go? And she said I flee from the face of my mistress, Sarai.” And the angel of the LORD said, “…return to thy mistress…I will multiply seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude…thou art with child and shall bear a son and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.” Genesis 16:8-11. And Hagar did as she was instructed.

We can only imagine the pain that Hagar felt after handing over her only son to Abram and Sarai to raise as an Hebrew. We can only assume that she felt alone, out-of-place, unimportant, unappreciated, and unloved. For it was Hagar who went through the nine months of pregnancy, Hagar dealt with hormonal changes, Hagar endured the agony of delivery, Hagar bonded with that child inside of her, and we can only conclude that Hagar—loved her child.

Now, after the birth of Ishmael, most women can imagine that there would be tension over the years between the two women. And we can assume that tensions were rising. Let us not forget that Hagar was still Sarah’s servant. And now thereafter, nearly twelve years later, Sarah being ninety years old, has conceived and delivered a son, and called his name, Isaac.

And again we can only imagine the tension arising as each mother wants Abraham’s attention on her son. But Sarah would soon put an end to the tension by telling her husband to send them away. Imagine how Hagar felt when Abraham, after hearkening to the voice of his wife, Sarah, and confirming if with our Father; rose up early in the morning and sent Hagar and Ishmael away.

Now, let’s get a clear picture of this event: When most individuals plan a journey they take plenty of food, water, change of clothes and perhaps other essentials they may need along the way. But Abraham sent his son and Hagar away with bread and a bottle of water. He sent them to wander in the wilderness of Beer-sheba with bread and a bottle of water.

Imagine walking with your young son, in the hot, dry, wilderness, and now—your bottle of water is gone. You have no idea where you are going, and now you and your son, have just finished the last drop of water.

Thus, our Father was with them and watched over them; for on that day as it is written in Genesis 19:16-19, the voice of Hagar says, “Let me not see the death of the child. And she sat over against him, and lift up her voice, and wept. And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? Fear not; God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation. And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink.”

Now, we do not hear anymore regarding Hagar. We do not know if Hagar attended Sarah’s burial; we don’t know if she attended Abraham’s burial with her son, Ishmael; we do not know if Hagar had passed on prior. However, we do know that she was the first surrogate mother in the world. We do know that she had courage, sympathy, compassion, loyalty, and a remarkable strength. And we do know that it was Hagar that called the name of our Father, El’roi, that is, Yahweh/God is seeing.

And yes, our Father did see! Our Father is a remarkable Father who always provides for His children. Thus, Ishmael lived 137 years and as always, our Father kept his promise; He multiplied Ishmael exceedingly and made him a great nation.

Now, let’s remember that Abraham gave Hagar bread and a bottle of water for her journey, but keep in mind, that our Father gave her a well; and her son a great nation and multiplied him exceedingly.

For our Father was the all seeing God to Hagar and her son, Ishmael. And he kept them as the apple of his eye and kept his promise regarding Ishmael, who lived well into adulthood. And at the age of 137 he gave up the ghost.

Every situation of today, we can find in our Father’s letter to us. Sometimes decisions are made that contradict our Father’s plan, word or purpose. However, when we believe and humble ourselves before His will, grace, and mercy, He will watch over us, nurture us, and multiply us exceedingly great. We also learn from this brief account that our Father can do anything he chooses at any time He chooses; thus, he has certain times in which he chooses to do them.

At times we may want to speed the process or assist him if we can; however, our Father is the creator all by himself, does not need any help, nor are there other gods with him. When you let our Father direct your path, and guide your footsteps, everything will go according to his plan. Remember, our Father created the heavens, the earth, all creatures living in the land, and in the sea, and everything was—good!

Written by T. Nicole Rubio 

Bye, Bye Fear! You’re not Welcome Here

Today’s devotion is entitled: Bye, Bye Fear! You’re not Welcome Here

Before we begin let us have a moment of prayer: 

Dear heavenly Father, we know that you have not given us the spirit of fear or anxiety of the things of this world, help those Father who are struggling with fear and anxiety in their daily lives. Help them to remember, Father that you are and will always be on the Throne watching and protecting your children. Let them remember, Father, that everything that happens in life is done only according to your Word and according to your Will. For you are a Sovereign God, for nothing is done that has not already been orchestrated through you. Let those who have the spirit of fear and anxiety, after hearing this message, rebuke the spirit of fear and anxiety, and start living with the understanding and knowledge that you will never forsake us, nor leave us. Let them know that you will always be there Father through sickness and in health. Give them the faith, Father, to walk according to your Will, and to also remember, that the fear of the Lord, the creator is the only fear that we should have. For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, in Yeshua’s name we pray. Amen.

We are going to open with Psalm 23. (Please read)

Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

We all at some point and time have something in our lives that we fear; whether it is a fear of certain animals, fear of the ocean, fear of flying, fear of heights, or the fear of enclosed places; we all at some point and time in our lives have had the spirit of fear and anxiety. However, for faithful followers of Yeshua/Jesus Christ, fear and anxiety have no place in our lives.

II Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Fear of Man/Fear of the Enemy

Let’s face it. We are living in a world without peace. If we take a moment and just think about the times we are living in, a lot of us, are being verbally threatened on a daily basis. Some receive threats of wage garnishment, repossessions, or poor ratings on our credit report.  Some are worried about lay-offs or termination from their employment.  Some are worried about their social security checks, or welfare checks not being in the mail. Some are living paycheck to paycheck worried about their next meal.

We are living in a day and age where nothing is certain. However, Yeshua/Jesus Christ says, “…Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?...” Matthew 6:25-34.

When we seek the kingdom, Yeshua/Jesus Christ will provide everything that we need. All we have to do is have faith and fear not. Don’t worry about tomorrow, for you can’t change tomorrow. Don’t worry about where the funds are going to come from for your child’s education, or that hospital bill, Yeshua/Jesus Christ will make a Way, if it is His Will for your child to even go to college at this time, He will provide a way. Don’t worry about your past financial mistakes, if you have repented, He has forgiven those debts and will provide a remedy for you. And once He has provided that remedy, we are to turn away from making those mistakes again.

Philippians 4:19, “For my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Our Father has given us much power, we have the power to tread on serpents as it is written in Luke 10:19, when our brother Yeshua/Jesus Christ said, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” We have power. Therefore, there is no need to fear the enemy, especially the enemy.

Hebrews 13:6 reads, “So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” For we should never ever fear what man can do. For man does not have the power to destroy the soul. He may destroy our credit, he may take away or destroy our homes; he may take away or destroy our vehicles; he may take away our jobs, even take away our food. But man cannot and will never destroy our soul nor can he take away or destroy our comforter which is the Holy Spirit.  He can never take that away from us.

Fear of the End Times

Some of you, who have the spirit of discernment or the spirit of prophecy, have been afraid of these days ahead. For you know in your heart, mind, body and soul, that we are in the last days, and this nation is going to experience much sorrow, and much grief, in such that it has never experienced before, nor will it ever experience again. But know and believe that our Father is going to protect His elect and saints. There is nothing to fear, for our Father has not appointed His children to wrath. As it is written in I Thessalonians 5:9. He will either guide you through these coming days, as He did for Noah and his family; or He will send His angels to lead you out of harms way, as He did for Lot and his family, in Genesis 19.

For those of you who are experiencing fear, meditate on our Father’s Word and memorize the scriptures, for there is healing and comfort in our Father’s Word.

  • David may have had fear when he fought Goliath; but he persevered and won the battle.
  • Joseph may have had fear when he was sold into slavery, but he was obedient to the Father, and found favor with the Pharaoh. And Pharaoh made Joseph ruler over all the land of Egypt.
  • Daniel may have had fear in the Lion’s den; however, he prayed and overcame.
  • Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, may have had fear when thrown into a fiery furnace; but they were faithful servants, and three went in the fire but four came out, and the fourth was like the Son of God.
  • With our Father, one can chase a thousand, and two can put ten thousand to flight. Because where ever our Father is, you and Him will always make the majority.
Some of you are experiencing health issues. Fear not, Jehovah Raphah, our healer if it is His will, He will heal you. Know matter what the doctor says our Father is the “Master Physician” He decides who gets healed and who doesn’t get healed. He decides the fate of every individual on this planet. Put your trust in Him and not in man. Not in the x-ray or in the diagnosis. And don’t worry, our Father is in control. 

He is our healer, Jehovah Raphah; He is our provider, Jehovah Jireh; He is our victory, Jehovah Nissi; He is our shepherd, Jehovah Rohi; He never leaves our side, Jehovah Shammah, He is always there watching you and protecting you all you have to do is open the door and let Him in. That’s al you have to do, there is no need to fear tomorrow. Just trust in the Father and our Lord Yeshua/Jesus Christ and everything will work out for the better.


Now we’re going to close with Psalm Chapter 91 please read along in your Bible if you have it with you. “He that dwelleth…”

That was the end of the chapter, may the good heavenly Father, bless you all, and remember our Father is not the author of fear. Blessed be His name. Amen.

Please take this time for the remainder of this devotion to meditate and repent for all of the sins that you have committed, both knowingly and unknowingly, asking our Father to forgive all sins…in Yeshua’s name. Hallelujah. Amen.

Written by T. Nicole Rubio