Thursday, October 6, 2011

Our Heavenly Father's Plan

At times we may not feel that our heavenly Father has heard our prayers; therefore, we pray again and again, and await His response. We anxiously wait, listen, perhaps fast, begin to question, and then after a week or more, we pray the same prayer again, maybe adding a few more words, praying a tad louder, many times throughout the day, and—wait.

Our heavenly Father hears our prayers, rather silently or verbally, we don't have to yell, he knows exactly what we need, when we need it, and how he plans to provide it. But mostly our heavenly Father knows our hearts. Sometimes what we want or think we need is not always suitable, at the appropriate time, or work according to our heavenly Father's plan and purpose. He knows exactly what we need better than we do, and will supply our needs accordingly, perhaps supplying more than what we originally prayed for.

Be patient, don't rush. He may not answer our prayers when we want him to, but God is always on time. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. Trust in Him and believe that he will provide and answer your prayers all in due time according to His will.

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