Saturday, May 13, 2017

Outwitting the Enemy in Spiritual Warfare

Outwitting the Enemy

Choosing your battles and outwitting the 1devil. We've all heard the following phrases at some time, “Why did you let her get to you like that?” “That's not a big deal. I wouldn't even worry about that?” or “Girl, don't waste your time and energy on that idiot.” or “Girl, it's too hot for that mess.” Somewhere along those lines. What those phrases truly mean is, Choose your battles, but that is not one of them.

We all have experienced times in our life where people just get on our last nerve. Our buttons have been pushed to the limit. Our patience has dwindled to nothing and our fists are clenched. Our voices are raised and our blood pressure is boiling. We've all been there at some point and some of you were there... yesterday. But when we talk about choosing our battles, the battles that we choose will not bring us to the point of clenched fists, neither will the ones that we do not choose. Everything that is mentioned above are signs of a person out of control.

The way we engage or outwit the enemy in our battles shows how long we have strategically prepared for said battle. When we outwardly display anger and frustration it shows the lack of power within ourselves or... to put it another way, not knowing the power that lies within us makes many act in a powerless manner. For when we have power and when we know we have power, there is no need to... as many elders would say, “Act like a monkey.” The way we prepare for battle is by studying, reading and practicing. Nothing comes to you without practice.

If you want to do well in school you must study. If you want to be a writer you must do a lot of reading. If you want to do well in football you have to practice. If you want to excel in spiritual warfare you must do all of the above. Sadly, in this age, many don't want to take the time to read, study and practice; they'd rather wave a wand and have immediate gratifications. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Even magicians practice. Practitioners of magic practice, study and read. Nothing will come to you without practicing, readying and studying.

How we display ourselves in any spiritual situation shows how long we've been learning, practicing and maturing in our warfare or craft. Please don't get witchy woo-woo, because I've used the word craft. Writers use the word craft all the time It's the craft of writing. And I'm sure you've all heard of arts & crafts. If you hear me use the word craft don't automatically think witchcraft. I have to say this because Christians can be very superstitious and fearful. Thus, if their pastor didn't say it, it's of the devil. Many Christians need to clear themselves from that mindset that religion has indoctrinated upon them. With this mindset there can be no miraculous works and definitely no place for spiritual warfare.

Spiritual warfare is not about hiding in a corner and letting God handle it, it's having the moxie to walk in your authority yourself. But please note: You are not engaging in your own power, you're using the power that God has given you in Genesis 1:26. Our God-given authority. There is nothing worse than hearing someone say, “This is to big for me. I'm gonna let God handle it.” This is a perfect example of quenching the Spirit. I Thessalonians 5:19. God has given us the power and it is up to us to walk in it, not half way, but completely.

How do we choose our battles? Naturally it's a personal choice, but I'm going to tell you a battle that really is not worth your time. One of the biggest areas in life that causes the most strife is when someone is talking about you. Someone doesn't like you and is talking about you behind your back. How many of you want to confront that person? Who doesn't? Especially if what they are spreading are lies. Those are definitely not battles that we need to get into a confrontation about or fight about or holler and scream over. Those battles are small, meaningless, petty spirits that will reel you into their game making you just as petty as them. Misery loves company. People who gossip love other people who gossip. People who stir up strife love other people who stir up strife. This is not spiritual warfare.

The more you study and practice the art of spiritual warfare the more you'll understand the art of binding and loosing. To bind means to tie something together, or glue something together. To loose of course means to undo something bound or tied together. To loose also means to set free.

What do you do? In spiritual warfare, when someone is talking about you falsely, you can bind their spirit by binding Psalm 59 upon your heart. Psalm 59 is a chapter that focuses on keeping your enemies away. You are asking God to deliver and defend you from your enemies. You are asking God to awake and visit them. You are asking God to do judgment against them for cursing and lying about you. (Psalm 59:12)

Now, when I mention the above chapter to Christians, you can hear a pin drop in the room. This is an area that scares them, but this is spiritual warfare. Understanding your power and using it. Spiritual warfare is about walking in said power. It is about standing on the Word of God. When we are faithfully walking with God it is about standing on Exodus 23:22, when God says, “...I will be an enemy unto your enemies, and an adversary unto your adversaries.” Once again silence fills the room. But some Christians will say, “I don't know about that. I have to pray on that. I don't think God wants me to do that.” My response is, “Why is it in the Bible if you can't use it?” Once again, you can hear a pin drop.

We know that vengeance belongs to the Lord, Deuteronomy 32:35 tells us this and most will not disagree with this fact. Subsequently, there are other Bible verses which state this fact as well. With this said, let me ask this question for you mothers out there: If your child is having problems in school no matter what the issue is, grades, bullies, homework, etc. what do you do? Most mothers will go to the school and gather more information in an attempt to rectify the situation; is that correct? Question: Why did the mother go to the school? The only reason the mother went to the school, on this matter, is because she was informed about the matter. Someone told her. Was it her child, teacher, principal? Another parent? It doesn't matter, the fact is, she was informed on the situation; therefore, she responded. As a lioness, she responded. Nobody messes with the cubs of a lioness or the cubs of a mother bear... why? Because when the lioness or mother bear hears that one of her cubs is in danger she does what? Responds accordingly.

When we think about spiritual warfare, we must think on that same level as being... children of God as it is written in Galatians 3:26, Matthew 5:9, Psalm 82:6 and throughout the entire Bible we are God's children and God will act accordingly when it comes to his children. If you can't grasp that fact, you will have a tremendously difficult time engaging in spiritual warfare.

In addition, there are some times when your child will tell you a situation and you ask, “Do you want me to handle that?” Sometimes the child will say, “No, I'll handle it.” Now, the way your child will handle the situation is based upon how you have shown or instructed them to. Thus, when you engage in spiritual warfare you will engage based upon how God has shown you via the Word which is the Bible, the Bible being the Word of God.

We read all throughout the book of Psalms how David was asking God to step in. We read in the Old Testament how the Israelites were asking God to step in. They asked God to step in and what did God do. He acted accordingly. If God never changes as it is written in Hebrews 13:8, asking and receiving must still apply today because God never changes.

Luke 11:10, “For every one that asks receives...”
Luke 11:9 and Matthew 7:7, “...Ask, and it shall be given you...”
John 14:14, “If you will ask any thing in my name, I will do it.”
James 4:2, “ have not, because you ask not.”

For some reason, I believe mostly fear, many Christians have a big problem with engaging in spiritual warfare and asking God to step in even though it is written. But this is how we strategically handle petty situations or minute matters. It is written. We find the scripture, speak it, bind it to our heart and lay hold on the promise. Therefore, if I'm having an issue with a co-worker, every morning before I go to work, I will read Psalm 59 out loud, bind it to my heart which means believing and standing on what is written and memorizing key verses that apply to my situation and walking in the promise.

When you see that co-worker you will automatically be reminded of Psalm 59. You will automatically be reminded of the verse you've memorized perhaps the 12th verse which reads, “For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak.”

Side note: As you notice with Psalm 59:12, “...and for cursing and lying which they speak...” that sentence was an after thought. It's like an, “Oh, I almost forgot and also for the cursing and lying which they speak.” David asked for what he wanted. As he thought about what he wanted he asked for it. Thus, many have read he received it.

We, as children of God, will do the same. When you sense or hear the gossip, be reminded of the 2nd verse, “Deliver me from the workers of iniquity...” If your co-worker approaches you negatively, you might think of the 1st verse, “...defend me from them that rise up against me.”

Upon entering the workplace you might say verse 10, “...God shall let me see my desire upon mine enemies.” Only God knows what your desire is. Only God knows the desires of the heart. It may be to be supervisor over them, or to see them transferred to another department, or to be humbled. Only God should know what your desire is.

Only God should know what your desire is. I want to really stress that point. A lot of times some have a tendency to tell-all. If you're engaging in war you don't broadcast your plan. You don't tell others about your plans. If your co-worker is gossiping or approaches you, you will not suck your teeth and say, “I'm gonna pray for you. I'm going home and I'm gonna read Psalm 59!” No need to read it for you've missed the point. Spiritual warfare isn't about bragging about what you're going to do it's simply taking the time to do it. To get into your private prayer room or quiet space and engage in spiritual warfare on the issue at hand.

Side note: You never heard Jesus or the apostles bragging about what they could do. They just did it. When you walk in power there's no need to brag. Have you ever heard the phrase, people who talk a lot have little knowledge, but those who are quiet have a lot? This is another side to spiritual warfare. One must know when to speak and when to keep silent.

Ladies, this is how we engage in spiritual warfare. Our role is to outwit the enemy not engage or act like them, but to outwit them. We don't have to yell, scream, fight, get angry, return gossip or throw a fit. We will strategically plan and practice. However, the situation above doesn't only have to involve a co-worker, it can be a relative as in your in-laws, sorority, social groups, or even church folks. Let's face it, the majority of your issues will be against so-called Christians... church folks. But the more you practice, read and study, the stronger you will become. The stronger mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Physically as in health wise. You'll be healthier because you won't be carrying around all the stress, mess and drama from others.

If you are not having a problem with your co-worker, or gossip from any other area of your life, keep Psalm 59 close to mind because you may come across someone who can benefit from it. In spiritual warfare, it may not always be your warfare, but a way to help others in their season of war. We read, study and practice, so we can help or teach others in their due season. And remember, each one... teach one.

Until next time.

11:37 AM

Strong's Concordance Greek #1228 devil means, adversary, false accusers, slanderers, or a wicked person. Thus, anyone can be an adversary, slanderer or accuser at any time. The word devil refers to the way in which a person is acting. John told the police that I stole his car. John is an accuser.