Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Old Ship of Zion

Old Ship of Zion
Written by
M. J. Cartwright in 1889

Performed by
The Roberta Martin Singers (1949)

I was lost in sin and sorrow
on an isle in life’s dark sea
When I saw far in the distance
there a ship it seemed to be
Then I saw the Captain beckon,
He cried so loud and free
“My child, I’ve come to save you, step on board and follow me!”

‘Tis the old ship of Zion
‘Tis the old ship of Zion
‘Tis the old ship of Zion
‘Tis the old ship of Zion
‘Tis the old ship of Zion
I got on board, early one morning
I got on board

There ain’t no danger in the water
There ain’t no danger in the water
There ain’t no danger in the water
There ain’t no danger in the water
There ain’t no danger in the water
I got on board, early one morning
I got on board.

Were our ancestors trying to tell us something? It’s so amazing when I listen to the spirituals of our ancestors and I can’t help but wonder what did they know?! Over the years the knowledge somehow—stopped I will have to say during the period—well, I’m going to have to go my mother’s birth year of 1941 and let’s give or take a few years. The knowledge of our journey ended with a great many in that generation. The knowledge of Jesus and everything the Father in heaven had done for us. How we worshiped, how we prayed, how we communed with our Father became nothing more than a proverb.

Thus, the knowledge of our ancestors slowly quieted and turned towards the history of slavery and the ships that brought my people over to this New World. A great many people that were born after 1941 tell their children the history of slavery and the Civil Rights Movement and all of those topics are great. However, we had a history long before slavery and that history has been quieted over the last 60 years or more.

Instead of trying to hold on to our history, which is so rich in itself, our ancestors decided to instill the oppressors way of life, traditions and culture. Thus, this is what we in turn passed down to our children. The beautiful aspect is—the generation that was skipped born sometime between 1968 and 1978 is beginning to bring the knowledge of our history back to our children, younger siblings, family members and whoever else has ears to hear.
It really saddens me when I hear people write blogs or make comments such as, “See what Christianity has done to Blacks, they loved the ship! There thanking the white man!” This song has nothing to do with the white man or being in slavery and oppressed. Christianity is—our story. That is why so many of us gravitate to it and can’t let it go. It’s instilled in our DNA—plain and simple, Christianity or shall I say the Holy Bible is—our story (which involves months and months or years of study). We must stop blaming the oppressor and look at the message which is clearly given. For we know that Christianity is not our religion; however, the Bible is our story!

Rediscovering our history sheds so much light and beauty on us as a people. Our ancestors remind us through song, praise and dance who we were, tell us about their experiences, their love for Jesus and how they overcame the snares of the oppressors. It is only through the knowledge of the Father in heaven that we are now able to hear these words as they resonate within.

The Bible talks about these Ships of Zion; not the transatlantic, but the Ships of Zion. These Ships are not bringing us to a land that is not our own they’re taking us back to our Native Land. I know our ancestors had the knowledge of the Father when they wrote a lot of these spirituals. Whether it’s the Ships of Zion or Swing Low Sweet Chariot, how awesome it is when you have ears to hear the message and relate to what is being sung!

One day and one day soon, we will get on board. On that Ship of Zion where there’s no danger in the water. For those of you who can’t swim—no worries! You’re completely safe. All you have to do is get on board and let Jesus and His heavenly angels do the rest!

Get on Board!

Please click the link below and enjoy the song!!

Rapture Ready

                              Christ Will Return Soon

I have read many articles and watched many sermons on the Return of Christ. Many believe in a pre-tribulation rapture while others believe in a post-tribulation rapture. There are some believers and pastors who believe once the gathering of God’s people takes place then God’s Wrath is upon on those left behind on the earth and those left behind are just that—left behind and there is no second chances—that’s it.

I must admit those who write articles make presentations, preach and teach make valid points and have done extended research to support their facts. And I honestly believe that the difference in opinions have everything to do with a person’s relationship with the Father and their interpretation of the Bible. We all pretty much can agree that scripture backs up scripture, there is no denying that; however, a persons interpretation of what they are reading can vary.

When we read Yeshua’s words, “Let those who have an ear hear…” we really tune in and think and try to interpret, place the puzzle pieces in the correct order and try so hard to read between the lines. Sometimes we may be over-thinking what is being said and instead of it being something as simple as A, B, C we turn it into a course in Chemistry. I too have been guilty of transforming words, then thinking of an equation then multiplying by six!

Until one day I heard a pastor tell his congregation just relax and let the Spirit of Truth guide you into all understanding. Don’t attempt to solve it, know it all, and role with the big boys” just relax! Some teachings that a lot of us have held onto for 20 or so years may be flawed in some areas. As we grow in the Word it’s okay to have a different point of view on certain topics. If we are still, after many years of studying, agreeing with everything our pastor or teacher says, then how are we growing and maturing in the Word if all is the same.

Oftentimes, people are placed in our lives so that we can have a different outlook on things. I’m a firm believer that information and knowledge comes in stages. And those teachers, elders, pastors who believe they have all the answers are not the individuals I would want teaching me; for they are highly elevated in themselves. Besides, a good teacher is always—teachable. For no one will ever know all there is to know about the Bible or Yeshua himself.

I wrote an article a few years ago entitled the Abomination of Desolation and in that article I discussed another article stating the Dome of the Rock was the Abomination of Desolation. I came across that article because I wanted to find out if there were others who were thinking as I was and sure enough there are—not many I might add, but few teachers and believers.

The more and more I think on how the enemy works the Dome of the Rock being the abomination makes sense. I believe we spend so much time on how we think it should be but we never take time to know the enemy. Most rarely take time to study the enemy and the tragedies and tricks of the enemy. Most don’t give Satan credit. He is very wise, cunning, smart, and manipulative and as Yeshua said, “If possible he could fool the elect.” We have to remember that the enemy at one time was an angel—an archangel. He wasn’t a troll, pig or gnome, but an Archangel of the Most High God. He was the Father’s top Archangel in the heavens. Most have forgotten the prior role of the enemy. This is one of the greatest deceptions that Christians face. The deceptions are—in our face everyday.

Satan would not have a man stand in the Holy Place; for right now there is no Holy place on the face of the earth all are impure. If a place is holy everyone that walks into this place must be holy as well. No lies, no deceit, no fornication, no adultery of any sort, abiding by the dietary laws, walking in love, and more. There probably are believers as such; however, everyone that enters the holy place must-be-holy.

I will admit if I enter such a place today I will defile it and I will be an abomination. I try to walk the straight and narrow path and repent but I will admit, I am not holy, at least not yet. If I am a regular part of the holy congregation then it’s defiled because I am standing in there. But would that make me the abomination of desolation? Absolutely not! Nobody is going to leave the premises or town simply because I walked in the “holy place”—it’s not happening.

And let’s think for a moment if the majority of the citizens near the holy place or holy land are Muslim who is getting affected by the abomination?! Why would it be desolate if the majority of the population is Muslim?! Let’s start putting on our “wise caps”! We are of the Father with His Spirit running through us we’re smart and wise!

Many would beg to differ and will wait for an actual man to stand in the Holy Place and that’s okay. But at some point in time it’s time to be honest, not only with ourselves but others as well. Very, very, very few people walking this planet are—holy. There are many pretenders but that’s what they are—pretenders.

Many are waiting for Obama to stand in the holy place meaning Jerusalem, declaring Jerusalem the capitol of Israel. Many are awaiting the Pope to declare the same. Many have said it happened when Obama went to the Church of Nativity in Israel last May 2013, which meant in their eyes, the rapture would happened six months later or shortly thereafter. As you can see it did not.

It’s time for us to start being wiser than the serpent if not as wise. But as believers in Christ we have to remember from the Bible that the masses are not always correct; in fact, they are usually far from correct. It was and still is the minority that had the truth in Biblical times. Many times the Spirit of Truth has placed on my heart certain things but I strayed from the information given because it did not fit the masses. And now here I am going back to what was originally given to me by the Spirit of Truth.

I am going to stand firm on my belief of the Abomination of Desolation being the Dome of the Rock and allowing the countdown to begin according to Daniel 12. Waiting for the appearance of a man—Satan is too cunning for that!  Waiting for an actual mark or chip—Satan is too clever for that! We must remember that Satan is an intelligent higher being who speaks all languages and he too can do miraculous and supernatural occurrences that will make a person say, “Wow, look at that!”

We have to remember that this is Satan’s Kingdom. If it weren’t, there would not be abortions, divorce and killings as they are today, cold hearts, lack of love, and all the chaos that we currently see would not be. If this were our Father’s world what a peaceful and joyous place this would be. Satan’s role is to steal, kill and destroy and that’s the world that we have in front of us each and everyday.

Now, some may say don’t give Satan all the credit. Okay, if the enemy does not get the credit then who does. Okay, we’ll say that our Father allowed this to happen, that everything is prophetic. Okay, even with that said, the enemy is still performing the actions. Many Christians don’t want to discuss the enemy and will say, “God is all loving,” and He is, but that does not change the fact that this is the enemy’s kingdom. For we know from the words of Yeshua in John 18:35, “My kingdom is not of this world…”  

I am a firm believer that Yeshua will return soon. And we must occupy until He returns. We must not argue over the correct name and spelling of Jesus. Honestly, nobody knows for sure. Stop arguing over what pastor is a false prophet and what church or denomination is the best. Will we be raptured or will we have to suffer through the tribulation. These debates mean absolutely nothing if Christ returns and you are not ready.

Everyday is the tribulation. While we are residing in the enemy’s kingdom, everyday is a tribulation. We are already in the tribulation period and it’s getting worst as time goes on. The enemy knows his time is running out. He no longer has centuries to map out his plan. He know longer has decades to achieve his goal. The enemy is well aware that this is the 11th hour. As believers we need to be very much aware as well so that that day will not take us by surprise.

While we’re searching for clues the enemy is running circles. While we are busy debating the enemy is planning. The signs are all in front and all around us. All we have to do is open our eyes and remove the scales and look beyond the forest. If those and myself have calculated correctly and have concluded with our calendar and the Most High’s calendar being in the year 2019-2020 as the consummation of all things according to Daniel 12, then the gathering of God’s people must happen sometime before 2019/2020 minus the 3 ½ years for God’s Wrath which will place the gathering before 2017.

As many will say, and they always do, “Nobody knows the day or hour,” and that is true. I have yet to hear a believer say, “Wednesday, April 1 at 3:09 p.m. Jesus is coming”. That’s a day and hour. But Christ does tell us that we will know the season and will be able to discern the times.

Luke 12:56; Matthew 16:3, “…O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky: but ye can not discern the signs of the times?”

And if the abomination of desolation is the Dome of the Rock, which I believe it is, Daniel has already provided us with the calculations for the consummation of all things, Hallelujah!!!

Matthew 24:15, “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whosoever readeth let him understand),”

Praise God!! As many are teaching and preaching, we are in the last of the last days.  We are in the days of Noah. Matthew 24:37, “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also be the coming of the Son of man be.” Some may hold true to different beliefs and occurrences; however, most agree that we’re in the tail end of the end of days as we know it to be.

I know this message may be difficult for some of you who hold true to your beliefs and that’s understandable as you are holding to yours I will hold to mine and let’s agree to disagree peaceably, as brothers and sisters in Christ.  

Related Articles:  

The Gathering of the Children of Israel: Remember the Month Abib

The Abomination of Desolation article by David M. Rogers (2006)