Saturday, November 19, 2011

Daily Thanks and Praise

After arising in the morning most individuals have a routine. After awakening some go to the restroom,  wash their face, brush their teeth, take a shower, then start the day. No matter what the person does each morning, for the most part, the routine is pretty much the same. Most individuals rarely take the time to acknowledge and give thanks to our heavenly Father for even allowing us to observe another day, or protecting and shielding us throughout the night, or for keeping us healthy and strong in order to arise in the morning. It is very imperative to keep our heavenly Father in our thoughts before we retire, and when we arise. He doesn't ask for much, he really doesn't.

There are many Christians who will miss the mark because they have let the cares, lusts and worries of the world wrap arond their lives and their thoughts. They have become weighed down with employment, appearance, new homes, fancy cars, reality shows, talk shows, and so much more.

Let's ponder for a moment. There are 168 hours in a week, and there are seven days in a week. A lot of Christians only give our heavenly Father one to three hours on Saturday or Sunday, one day a week, and a select few will go to an evening service during the week. However, most attend those evening services because they've missed or will be missing the Saturday or Sunday service. But what about the other days? Is our heavenly Father not worthy? Or have people become too busy?

It's not too late to begin a faithful relationship with our heavenly Father. God loves all of his children; however, he is fair and just in all of his punishments. Only a few will enter into our heavenly Father's kingdom. That means many will be turned away. Today, it is so easy for good Christians to miss the mark. Luke 13:24 states, "Strive to enter in at the strait gait: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able." That is why it is imperative that we read and study God's word, his letter sent to us, in order to have a relationship with our heavenly Father. As with any relationship you have to build upon the relationship. Christians cannot honestly say, "Yes, I'm saved," and only spend a few hours a week with God. On judgment day we want to hear, “Well done,” not “I never knew you.”

Arise with our heavenly Father, before your feet touch the floor, thank him and praise him. What a wonderful day you will have and what a wonderful routine to begin. Knowing that the presence of Jehovah Shammah has saturated your life.

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