Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Role of a Woman

Our Role According to the Bible

Daughters of Zion,

Titus 2:3-5, “The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things, That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

What is meant by the above scripture is: As we age the holier we should become, we do not dwell in gossip or get drunk. Rather we teach the young women to be sober, love and be in subjection to their husbands and to love their children.

We are to be obedient to our own husband: If you are married you don’t do what your next door neighbor has asked you to do over your own husband who may be saying something different. Your husband is your head not John Doe the neighbor. Also, John Doe may have a wife; thus, you need to be discreet in everything you do.

We are to be keepers at home: This means taking care of the house. Knowing how to cook and clean, sow, and perhaps gardening. These are things we teach the young women. Oftentimes, women want to put a TV dinner in the oven or microwave after their husband has come home after a long day of work and that’s dinner. A keeper of the house understands how to keep her house in order. 

You don’t leave dirty clothes in the hamper for weeks. You don’t leave the sink filled with dishes for days or just your house in such array. You have to teach your daughters and other young women how to be keepers of the house which also involves being discreet and loving your husband.

A lot of women need to be taught how to be wives. (Not just women but men also but we are just dealing with women at this time.) Oftentimes, we run off and get married and a few years later we’re getting divorced. This doesn’t mean that the two of you were incompatible or he was wrong and you were right, you simply were not ready at that time. Perhaps one was and the other was not.

When Paul writes, “…love your husband…” And the greatest commandment according to Christ was to love one another. We fall short when we don’t have a thorough understanding on the word love. I Corinthians 13 provide us with a great explanation of what love is. To love your husband does not mean I’ll love you as long as…or I’ll love you as long as you do this or you do that. I’ll love you until someone better suits my fancy. I will love you as long as you don’t do this or do that.

Those mentioned above are conditional restraints placed on the word love. True love is unconditional love. Think about how many people you truly love unconditionally, excluding your children, for they are a given. If you are completely honest with yourself your number will fairly low consisting of people who can do whatever they wish to you, say whatever they feel and you still love them. You may care about them but most people have written and unwritten conditions set forth on love.

Once a woman can truly understand what it means to love your husband then your husband being the head of the household and the head of you will only seem natural and natural for you to be submissive to him. (This does not mean that you take abuse from him or anyone for that matter.) Being submissive will allow you to discreetly handle situations when they arise. And handle them respectfully and honestly because everything you do and say will be centered in love.  

I am so surprised, for a lack of better word, how many women do not want to be women. They want to do everything a man does and be equal to a man. We are not equal to men. If the Most High intended for us to be equal He would have made us all equal in all ways including body parts, desires and strength. This doesn’t imply that men are better than women we all are simply—different.

Let’s take a look at what our role is according to I Timothy 2:9-14, “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed then Eve. And Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”

We are to carry ourselves modestly in modest apparel and makeup. It doesn’t mean that we have to walk around sad with our heads to the ground or with no make-up at all, it simply means to be modest, not sexy or flashy. We don’t flaunt our hair, and prance around in much jewelry and costly attire. We are modest in our appearance in every area.

We learn in silence. This doesn’t mean we do not ask questions. If our husband or male pastor is trying to explain a topic we do not interrupt with our own so-called knowledge. We do not assume that we have all the answers. Thus, we are never quick with the tongue. This is what learning in silence means. Basically, out of respect for any person that may be talking with you…let them finish and then you ask your questions in a subtle manner.

Have you ever tried to explain something to someone and they attempt to finish your sentence or interrupt you every couple of seconds? How can you have a meaningful conversation with someone as such? You can’t. Interrupting is disrespectful and plain out rude. We must give all courtesy and respect.

We’ve all heard someone say, “Well, in order to get respect you have to earn it.” Pure nonsense and only applies to those who are of this world. Daughters of Zion, we understand that our kingdom is not of this world; therefore, we want to set ourselves apart from those who choose to make this world their permanent home.

We do not usurp, which means to take charge over the man. We see a lot of this in our society today. We see the women working while the husband stays home with the kids. A lot of couples have completely changed roles to the point where the husband’s are trying to curl and braid their daughter’s hair while the woman is mowing the yard. We also see signs of this on television as well.

We are not to take charge over our husband telling him what to do, when to do it, how to do, and where to do it. In other words, we are not to boss our husband. Adam was ruler over Eve. Eve was not ruler over Adam. (Genesis 3:16) This is a topic where I feel deeply strong about. Many women have loss friendships and relationships simply because they could not keep their tongue in order. Our conversation with others is a topic that you will be reading more about.

You may read, see or hear something about anything and you talk to your husband about it and you’re excited about it. It sounds great, looks great and your husband says, “Hmm, that doesn’t sound right there is something fishy about that.” When we as women take charge we can be deceived easily. Men are usually the thinkers and women are more emotional. When you subject yourself to your husband you are less likely to be deceived as Eve was with the forbidden fruit.

Now, there are some men who don’t mind playing the role of a female and like for the woman to take charge and vice versa. If that is what goes on in your house, although not Biblical, that is between The Most High, Christ, the man and you. I can only make note to what is Biblical and Biblical is the world’s point of view.

If your husband is not in the Word, you keep studying and subjecting yourself to the laws and commandments of the Most High. I Peter 3:1-4, “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which  s in the sight of God of great price.”

Your husband is going to notice how you carry yourself both outwardly and inwardly. Not with fancy apparel and flashy items but rather with modesty and discretion. When you become submissive and in line with the Most High you will be peaceful and display a quiet spirit.

If you have chosen to adhere to the dietary laws and your husband still loves his swine, do not give in to the temptation no matter how good it smells or how nicely it is prepared. Your husband will either follow in suit or wish that he had when the trials of the great tribulation are upon him. Everything that you did and tried to share with him will quickly come into his remembrance.  

Let’s take a look at communications. I remember hearing this phrase, “Women are supposed to be seen not heard.” It took me a while to understand the meaning behind the phrase. I’m sure we all know women who can be heard before they are seen and this also ties in with being discreet. We don’t want to be loud and boisterous, the life of the party or the voice of the crowd. These are also the good things that we teach the young women as we read in Paul’s Epistles.

I’m sure if you just think about those women who match the above description, they probably run their relationships, have to get the last word, tell it like it is, or they have been in relationship after relationship after relationship. This is not the Biblical attitude that the Daughters of Zion should possess.

When we learn something of importance we are to pass it down or teach it to our young women. Thus, you should always leave a teaching with more knowledge than you walked in with. For instance, if you’re sitting in church agreeing with every word your Pastor says, my question is what are you learning if you are agreeing with what you already know? Daughters of Zion it’s time to get back into the Word and away from the “feel good messages”. The Most High is preparing us for the wilderness and the kingdom.

Now, the title of this topic is the role of a woman; I think it is only fair that I discuss women in the pulpit. There is some discussion among the Hebrew Israelites that women should not be preachers in the pulpit or temple. This is supported by several scriptures in the Bible (listed below). I do not wish to conduct a study with you on that particular issue; however, you may choose to perform your diligent study after reading the scriptures.

I will say that women prophesy today and they have throughout the Bible in Acts 2:17; Joel 2:28-29; and Isaiah 44:3, just to name a few. They do not prophesy in the pulpit or temple and not as a preacher but as a teacher of good things; all acceptable for the kingdom to come.

For instance, right now I am giving you women and young ladies information that I was taught by a man. I did, however, study the information after receiving it so that I in turn could deliver it to you in a respectful manner. I am not in a pulpit preaching but rather sharing knowledge from a Biblical point of view.

Yes, I am a firm believer that some women are better teachers than men. However, there are some excellent male teachers who can rightfully divide the Word of truth and present it in a way that will leave you with a complete understanding of what you have read, to the point that you’re saying, “How did I miss that after all these years?!”

We must also remember that the Most High has not sent every man to preach his Word. I am a firm believer that truth is where most people are not and those places are so far and few in-between. There truly is a famine in the land for sound doctrine. For we know that our Father is of order and is not the author of confusion.

Daughters of Zion, at any time you hear a message that does not fasten tightly, there is either a piece of information missing that has not been taught correctly, or you haven’t completely grasped the piece of information, or the message is not from the Most High. Always study to show yourself approved by the Most High (II Timothy 2:15)  

Also, let’s take a look at Jeremiah 31:22, “How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter? For the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man.”

The “compass” means to circle, surround, engulf, according to the Strong’s Concordance and Webster’s Dictionary it does not mean to control. We are to be a help meet as the Most High created us to be. Rejoice in this! This is not hard it’s a wonderful way of being!

Some of you have rejected the man. But when you reject the man you reject the Father’s image and the Father’s creation. For the Father created the man in His image. Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion…”

Some of you may be very power struck and have to be in charge of something or someone, and there is an underlining reason for that, that only you know of. But if you just have to be in charge you can be in charge of humbling yourself so that you can deliver a good teaching to the next generation. Humbling ourselves is one of the first steps toward being a good and faithful servant.

If this message was burdensome for you; hey, I’m only reading what is in the Word as it pertains to women as preachers. You may reject it, lean on your own understanding, or take your burdens to the Most High. You didn’t get to this page by accident; for this is a blog that requires multiple searches. Never fight the Spirit to comply with the world.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.


Should women be preachers?

Acts 7:35-38; Exodus 28:1-2; Exodus 29:4-9; Numbers 3:1-10; Daniel 9:26-27; Matthew 27:50-51; Hebrews 10:1-2, 18; Luke 6:12-16; Matthew 10:1, 5-7; Mark 1:1-4, 21-24; Luke 4:14-19, 31; Acts 5:12-14, 17-25; I Timothy 3:1-12; I Corinthians 14:34-37; Genesis 3:12, 16; I Timothy 2:9-14; Ephesians 5:22-24, 31-33; Titus 2:1—5; I Peter 3:1-7, 12; Matthew 8:14-15; John 20:16; Judges 4:1-5; Exodus 15:1-4, 20-21; II Kings 22:1-2, 8-20; I Samuel 28:5-7, 11-19; Acts 21:8-9; I Timothy 2:7-15; Malachi 3:1-6


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