Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Arrogance and the Word

Arrogance and the Word
The Spirit of Pride

This is going to be a very short message today, Daughter’s of Zion. I want to discuss arrogance and the Word. I have noticed quite a bit of arrogance and a feeling of entitlement with those who are well learned in the Word or who have a close relationship with the Father. When I say close relationship I am referring to those who communicate with the Father through the Holy Spirit.

I am not referring to those who go to church once a week and sing songs throughout the house and call upon Jesus’ name throughout the day. Nor am I referring to those who claim how blessed they are and great they are feeling because of the Lord. I’m not referring to them. Rather those that commune with the Father daily and throughout the day. I am talking with those with a calm spirit because of their relationship with the Father. Those are the ones I am speaking with today.

John 6:44, “No man can come to me, (Jesus) except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up on the last day.”

We must understand that not everyone is going to have the exact relationship that you have with the Most High. The above verse let’s us know that the Father has to draw the person to Christ. The person will not come to Christ on their own accord. The Father must draw them to Him.

This does not mean that we are better than the next or favored more. If we have been drawn to Christ we should be rejoicing that our name is written in heaven, rather than rejoicing that we were picked over someone else. (Luke 10:20)

Let me say, it is not a holier than thou attitude, but rather an arrogance of entitlement that you’re above everyone else. That’s a spirit of pride that you must overcome. For the Most High does not wish that anyone perish but to come to repentance and enjoy everlasting life with Him. (II Peter 3:9)

I have heard so many people tell others that they are going to hell or they are not from the Father and this simply causes more separation within the body of Christ. We should be patient and loving toward each other and offer our assistance when needed. Not offering where we can boast and flaunt about what we did. Not offering so we can talk about it later and bring up frequently. Nothing other than love, should be your reasoning behind all.

May the Lord bless you and keep you!

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