Sunday, November 26, 2017

Walking in Wisdom

Our opening scriptural verse is taken from the book of Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Today's message for September 25, 2017 is entitled, Walk with Wisdom, Not Your Feelings

A great many of individuals, as many of us have heard the phrase, wear their feelings on their shoulders. Their life is dictated according to their feelings. If they feel like doing something, they will do it. If they don't feel like doing something, even if they have promised, they won't do it. Why? Because their emotions rule the course of their activities. Their emotions rule how they will respond to certain situation. Their emotions decide whether or not they will like a person or dislike a person. Their emotions set the stage for, whether or not they will have a good day or bad day. In other words, they live their life according to the flesh.

When we live our life according to the flesh, we are not walking in wisdom, but rather we are walking in our own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-7 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes.”
  • stop letting your emotions run your life
  • stop allowing how you feel dictate what you will do or not do today
If you are angry with a person, you can't let your feelings decide how you will treat them or what you will do or say to them the next time you see them. How many of you have ended relationships, even long friendships because your feelings were hurt? How many of you have ever quit your job because your supervisor or another co-worker said something that made you upset, or sad? Or you didn't like their presentation and how they said something? Or asked you to do something that you did not want to do because you didn't feel like it at that time? Then later on that evening or the next day or two you're sitting at home wishing you had not quit,especially when it dawns on you that you have bills.

When you wear your feelings on our shoulders, the bills are not on the forefront. The rent is not on the forefront. That vacation next month is not on the forefront. That new outfit is not on the forefront? Thanksgiving and Christmas gifts are not on the forefront. Because when we wear our feelings on our shoulders, our feeling at that particular moment become the pedestal, and everything else drops under the shadow of your feelings.

When you wear your feelings on your shoulders, reactions take precedent over thoughts. Oftentimes, negative and costly situations can be avoided if you just take a moment and think them through. Instead of saying, “I'm mad at my boyfriend so I'm going to flatten his tires and smash up his car!” Or “I don't like what she said, so I am going to curse her out!” Or you just have a good old-fashion fit. None of those situations will solve anything. After you have ha that good old-fashion fit, you probably have torn up and broken plates, glasses, walls, furniture, even your cellphone; and now, it all has to be cleaned up, fixed and/or replaced. How many of you know that fits can be very costly?

Then you have to ask yourself was it worth it?

Let the truth be told. The majority of the negative situations that have occurred in our life, we have had our part in it as well. Yes, we played a role as well; however, many love to play the role of victim. In every situation, you have played your part. Whether you were terminated from your job, whether or not you're not getting along with someone, you have had your part in that particular situation, even if it's a small role in the relationship.

The relationship with your co-workers, your supervisor, your family, friends or spouse. Whatever is not going right with any of those relationships you have had your part in it as well. And now it's time to stop playing the victim role and start owning your truth. The truth about you, the truth of how you feel, the truth of how you handle situations, own it and then strive to change it.

Change is a word that many shy away from. For when we change we must leave something or someone behind. Oftentimes, change is needed in order for us to mature and grow in love and wisdom. We have to stop using the excuse of that's how I am. Or I'm too old to change. I'm fifty-years-old and I'm not going to change. Or as many ladies use, I have PMS. We have to stop making excuses when we allow our emotions to rule instead of our sound mind.

And you know what... we are not going to get along with everybody. Sometimes our spiritual gifts kick in and we can discern the spirits within others. Jealousy, greed, anger, envy and our spirit will not allow us to get too close. But sometimes our immaturity causes us to judge without knowing a person. In the process, the person has already been tried, found guilty and hung out to dry. And this is what happens when a person walks according to their own understanding.

The person you have negative feelings about, has feelings as well. So don't be so quick to jump on the phone and voice your broken heart when you too, have contributed to the situation. Did you know that people who are easily offended are very quick to gossip or eager to hear the latest gossip?

It is very important that we reason before we react to something that we've seen, or heard first-hand or second-hand. We all should know by now that second-hand and beyond information is the worst type of information that a person can receive. Second-hand information is non-reliable. There are pieces of the puzzle missing and pieces put in that don't belong there. This is why we reason before we react.

Let's take a look at the word reason. You will be surprised at the number of people who hear a word, but has the wrong definition for what the word truly means. The word reason means, a fact or circumstance that gives logical support to an assertion, claim or proposal: For example, what is your reason for voting as you did? A justifying fact or consideration. Exact, valid, and rational reasoning. Logic. What is sound or reasonable. Sense. The best definition in my opinion for the word reason can be summed up as, a healthy mental state...sanity. Which goes perfectly with II Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Can you imagine how different the gospels would read had Jesus worn his feelings on his shoulders? When the Pharisees said his miracles were performed by the prince of devils Beelzebub. (Matthew 12:24). Oh that's just Joseph's son, the carpenter (Matthew 13:55-56). Can you imagine Jesus wearing his feelings on his shoulders with the betrayal of Judas? (Matthew 26:15) And Peter denying him, not once, but three times? (Matthew 26:75). Can you imagine everyone that you broke bread with, loved, taught, and prophecied to, leaving your side when you need them the most? (Matthew 26:56). Can you imagine your people, those who knew you and walked with you, choosing evil over you? And ordering your death, mocking and laughing about it?

Can you imagine how different the gospels would have read, had Christ worn his feelings on his shoulders? And many walk around here today... offended at the smallest comment or action, when nine times out of ten wasn't even intended in the manner in which they received it. Because their emotions took precedence over the message.

Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” But how will your light shine if it's covered under your emotions? Guess what? It won't. Your light cannot and will not shine when anger is present. Your light will not shine when hostility and strife are present within you. Your light cannot shine when you are easily offended. Your light cannot shine when you always have to get the last word. Your light cannot shine when you're throwing a fit. Your light cannot shine when your reasoning or mental state is cloudy.

Proverbs 4:5,7 tells us to, “Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Not revenge, not tit-for-tat, not the last word, not a good old-fashion fit, but wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing... above all else.

I Kings 3:1-13 is for you to read and meditate on. It's the story of Solomon and how God appeared to him in a dream and asked him, “What shall I give you?” And Solomon asked for wisdom and an understanding heart. He didn't ask for long life or riches, but for riches and an understanding heart and that pleased God. And God granted him wisdom and an understanding heart in addition to riches and honor.

Until next time.

Books to add to your library!

The Virtuous Woman's Diary: Spiritual Warfare for Woman by Von Cook

The Power to Raise the Dead by Von Cook

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