Saturday, December 30, 2017

Mind Control: Standing Against the Powers of Darkness

Mind Control
The Battle Between our Ears

II Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Today we are going to discuss mind control. We are not discussing mind control on a government level but rather on a spiritual level. As daughters of the most high God, we have power and authority over all the power of the enemy. One of the tricks of the enemy is to steer us away from our state of grace, our authority in Christ and our power through the Holy Spirit. How this is done is by the whispers and the seducing spirits of the air.

The seducing and whispering spirits of the air, are done in a subtle and orchestrated manner, in which, if we are not careful, will have us looking at aspects of our physical life, instead of the spiritual. Remember what the Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 6:12? “For we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

So what the enemy has subtly done is moved us away from what the word deems as truth. And when we are moved away from this truth, we look at how the world would handle our situations, instead of looking at how Jesus instructed us to handle them.

When Jesus ascended into heaven, he left us with the power of the Holy Spirit and we have been graced with this power, and it includes love and a sound mind. But in order to have a sound mind, we must nurture our mind and feed our mind with fruits of the spirit and spiritual things. We have to be very careful as to what we feed into our mind. For instance, if you are tending to your garden, you will not pour into your garden those things that will kill or destroy your flowers, herbs, fruits or vegetables. You are not going to pour into your garden elements that will kill what you have grown, what you have worked so hard to develop and what you have nurtured overtime. In this regard, we treat our mind the same way. We will not pour those things into our mind that will kill or destroy us.

For those of you who are over thirty-five years old, you might remember the drug commercial with the frying egg in the saucepan listed here in this link I have often wondered why this commercial is not often seen on television, especially in these days. But if we can envision our mind in this fashion, imagining what putting destructive elements into our body will do, we can eliminate, take back, deter and stop all the tricks that the enemy throws our way.

Picture this: I have two empty glasses. In my right hand is a bottle of water. In my left hand is a bottle soda. Water is a representation of life and soda represents the ways of life. Now, I pick up my Bible and I spend a few hours reading and soaking in the word. Imagine yourself soaking in the word. Imagine what that looks like, what that feels like. It's refreshing and rejuvenating. For we know, according to Proverbs Chapters 3 and 4, as well as John 6:63, Jesus says the word is life. He says,“It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” So now I will pour half the bottle of water into my glass. Now, as I look at this glass, there's nothing really fancy about it, there's simply water in a glass without a smell. And after drinking the water there's really no elaborate taste to it.

Now, a couple of hours have gone by, and my flesh is wanting something colorful, something tasty, something to hit the spot in a different way the water did. So now, I am having thoughts about this bottle of soda. It fizzles, it's colorful, I can taste it. I can even smell it. I open my bottle of soda and I pour half of it into my glass and I listen to all that fizzle. I drink my soda and I'm loving each and every swallow.

What has happened here is during the time of pondering whether or not I should drink this soda, the whispers of the air, the seducing spirits of the air are nudging me. Once I had the initial thought of hmm — and began to process, the soda vs. the water, the whispers are adding to what the flesh wants. My flesh is coming into agreement with the seducing spirits.

As we read in the book of Genesis 3:6, right before Eve bit the fruit, she saw that it was good for food and pleasant to the eyes. As you see, there is no difference between the fruit and the soda or anything else that comes up in your life that contradicts the word of God. It is always going to be good in that moment It will always be pleasurable or pleasant in that moment. After the pleasure is gone, the consequences will appear, sometimes shortly thereafter, or subtly over time.

Now, I have half a bottle of water left and half a bottle of soda left. I finish pouring the bottles in the glasses. As I look at the glass with the water, I notice that it is clear. I can see through it. It's not harmful to my body and I didn't need to belch afterwards. My spirit within me, did not attempt to reject it after it was drank.

I now look at my glass of soda. I can't see through it. There's a lot of small bubbles floating around inside the glass and my spirit within me attempted to reject it by belching. On the other hand, it tastes good. It's colorful and adds a level of enjoyment to my flesh.

As we take a moment and look at these two glasses, one represents life and the other does not. One sits well within us and the other does not. One is refreshing and rejuvenating and the other, burns going down and is rejected later on. One is attached with the Holy Spirit and the other one is attached to seducing spirits. Which glass will you choose?

If you can look at every aspect of your life in this manner, the enemy will flee. When your house begins to get out of order and your children are experiencing mind-bottling changes, and you and your spouse are now frequenting arguments, you can believe the enemy has crept into your space. The enemy is now in your realm of existence. The enemy has a foot into your life. What we do not want the enemy to do is, take a seat.

How do we keep the enemy from taking residence in our home? By keeping our thoughts pure, focusing on heavenly things, not on earthly things, soaking in the God's word, praying against evil and blessing our territory.
Colossians 3:2, “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”

This verse speaks volumes. Everything that happens in your life, in your realm of physical existence, first began in the spiritual realm. For the Apostle Paul continues to say, For we are dead, and our life is hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3) If our life is hidden with Christ and we are dead in the physical, then we operate in the spiritual (heavenly) with Christ. On earth as it is in heaven. We are operating from heaven. We have been given the authority and power to tread on the serpent and cast out evil. And whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven (Matthew 16:19).

Once we have identified the ruling spirit in our life we can then bind the spirit while standing on God's word. If there is a spirit of strife present, you bind that spirit. Remember, when the spirit of strife is apparent there comes confusion and every evil work (James 3:16).
This is what you would say:

I bind up the ruling spirit of _______ in the heavenlies with the chains from heaven. I stand on the word of God that says, And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. I bind you up hand and foot, and I cut of all cords between the ruling spirit and the spirits in this person, and I cast them off in the name of Jesus.

Once you become familiar with the process of binding and loosing, and recognizing the spirit and stronghold, you can choose your words accordingly and stand boldly in your faith. In the meantime, while you designing your strategy to win the battle against the enemy, be strong and stay in prayer. Ask the Father to give you guidance and to send his holy angels to take charge over you and your family (Psalm 91).

Prayer is the beginning stages before learning how to battle.

  • Write your problems/challenges down
  • Devise a strategy.
  • Trace your problems to its source such as; strife, adultery, depression, then take the necessary steps of binding and loosing.
  • Structure your faith
  • Keep a prayer journal.
The enemy attacks the mind first and foremost. As long as the enemy has a hold on your mind he can turn your head any way he chooses. This makes the enemy your head and you the tail
(Deuteronomy 28:13). Think of the enemy as the puppet master and then pray to get control over your wits. You can also think of the enemy as a spider that is weaving its web around you.
Don't look at strongholds or spirits of the air as a male or female having an earthly physique, but as an expression, shape or characteristic of an animal. Hence, the saying, be wiser than a serpent, but gentle as a dove.

  • crafty or subtle = snake
  • annoying and harassing = fly
  • stalker or prowler in the shadows = wolf
And always remember to trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path (Proverbs 3: 5, 6).

Word for Today

God has blessed me with a sound mind and I will use this mind in every area of my life today. Rather in the privacy of my home or out in this world. The grips of the enemy shall end today. I will feed my mind with that which is good as a child of God should.

Additional reading

Spiritual Warfare by Richard Ing
The Virtuous Woman's Diary: Spiritual Warfare for Women by Von Cook

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Power of Binding and Loosing

I have always said, “There is tremendous power in the Holy Bible. You just have to know how to work.” I hear many people talk about how this person brings on stress and this person brings on drama and how being around certain people, even family members is stressful. Sometimes I listen, but oftentimes, especially if they are a close friend or family member, I'll ask, “Have you read Matthew 16:19?” Typical response is, “Hmm, I'll have to read it to see what it says.” They'll read starting with verse 17 and ending on verse 19 some may read 20 as well. Then give me...the blank stare.

What is Matthew 16:19

It reads, “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed on heaven.”

In the Strong's Concordance Greek #1210, the word bind means, to tie, bind, imprison, bound, tied, in bonds, knit, wound. The word loose in the Greek #3089 means, to loose, untie, release, break, destroy, put off from, melt, unloose. Whatever you bind on earth is bound in the heavenlies. Whatever you loose on earth is loosed in the heavenlies. If you have someone in your life that is causing you drama you can bind them standing firm on the word in Matthew 16:19.

You can look at binding someone as putting an invisible restraining order against them. You have placed a gate between them and you. Some envision a prison which is perfect for binding someone. We all have seen a gate or prison bars before rather first hand or on television. Now, when we bind someone, we're placing them in a gate and they can't exit that gate until we loose them or free them.

Some may say, “That sounds like witchcraft.” You know what. If you're find in your drama then stay in your drama. What gets me with most Christians is, they believe part of the Bible, but don't believe other parts. They accept this portion, but will throw the other portion out the door. They say they love Jesus, but they prefer Paul. They say they're a Christian, but never read the Bible. I will never debate a topic that I know for a fact works. Nor will I recommend something that I don't do. But if you're ready to start taking control of your life then, you take what parts and points work for you and leave the rest.

But honestly, it's time for a lot of these baby, scary Christians to grow up and put on the full armor of God. It's time to start walking in your authority and stop being afraid of your own shadow. If God has not given us the spirit of fear then why befriend it?

2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

How to Bind and Loose

We're not going into some dark forest or room and calling up the gods; get Hollywood out of your mind. The first step you want to take is to ask yourself, “Have I done anything to contribute to this drama?” Be honest, for most often drama goes two ways. You can't point out somebody's shortcomings and faults when you have many. Look at yourself first in order to see clearly.

Luke 6:41-42, “And why behold thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceive not the beam that is in your own eye...You hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of your own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in they brother's eye.”

Now, if you can reconcile with the individual, then do so. But sometimes our spirits aren't in season together for whatever reason and that should be okay. Let them stay over on their side of the street and you stay on your side of the street. But beware: Oftentimes, when we attempt to distance ourselves from others, the drama gets worst. As quiet as it's kept, many people do not like rejection or silence treatment so they will continue to irritate, spread lies, cause strife and pick fights just to get your attention. When that happens, it's binding time. This is what you'll do:

Visualize the gate. Visualize the person behind the gate. Visualize a clear distance between the two of you. Visualize no communications whatsoever, what would that feel like? How would that make you feel? If it will give you a load off your back, then imagine the feeling of that release. Now, make your decree.

Say with authority: I bind the spirit of strife within_______________(name of the person) and I cut off all cords between the ruling spirit of strife and the Strongman in the heavenlies both hand and foot and I cast them into the abyss in the name of Jesus the Christ. And I bind___________(name of the person) from my personal space, both verbally and physically, from this day forward. I stand on the word of God that says: Whatsoever I shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven:and whatsoever I shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. In the name of Jesus the Christ. And so it is.

To say something with authority means to say it firm, stern, and directly without hesitation. Think about it as telling your child, “Don't open the door for strangers. Look both ways before crossing the street.” If you are a supervisor, you're firm in giving directions; therefore, bind in the same manner. If you are new to taking control in this fashion, you may have to say this a few times within the week when you first begin.

Memorize the above. Change it to fit your style of speech if need be. Please note: you do not have to go into a corner or secret room to state the above. If you would feel more comfortable then do so, but you don't have to. You can whisper it wherever you are. You can visualize it and say it in your mind. This is taking control of your life.

Once you bind them, don't call and stir up the drama again. Don't gossip about them and wonder what their doing. If you see them in a public place (remember, you bind them from your personal space), don't roll your eyes or suck your teeth. If you see them in a public place, be respectful if they cross your path, greet with a hello...and that's it. Don't engage in conversation. A simple, “Hello.” If they ask, “How are you?” You say, “Wonderful.” Then discreetly walk away. Anything else defeats the purpose and it cancels out your decree. If you're rolling your eyes, you have the issue. If you suck your teeth, you have the issue. Always be wise as a serpent, but gentle as a dove; therefore, discreetly leave their presence.

What I have just recommended for you is how you take control of your life. This is how you take control of situations that enter your life. If you want a stress free life you will make your decrees, but yet, being discreet about them. Then perhaps with time the two of you can reunite and your spirits will be in season together and you can loose your decree.

Now, we bind the spirit of strife within the person on earth and in the heavenlies. If you and the person reunite, we do not want to loose the spirit of strife. We still want to bind that spirit, but loose the gate freeing them. And this is what you will say:

Say with authority: I now loose the bind decreed for___________(name of the person) from my personal space, both verbally and physically, from this day forward. I bind the spirit of strife within_______________(him/her/them) and I cut off all cords between the ruling spirit of strife and the Strongman in the heavenlies both hand and foot and I cast them into the abyss in the name of Jesus the Christ. I stand on the word of God that says: Whatsoever I shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever I shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. In the name of Jesus the Christ. And so it is.

What we just did was freed the person from “prison” and now they can come into your personal space. They can call, text, write, communicate in any way fashion or form. However, we kept the spirit of strife bound. If you find the drama returns, then simply bind them out of your presence again and enjoy your life. There is no law that states we must put up with drama from anyone rather it be family, friend or foe they've got to go. And so it shall be so.

It's as simple as that. But I must say, if you're not accustomed to walking in this manner or if you are highly religious, it will feel strange and uneasy. I understand that; however, everything that I have written above can be backed up with scripture. There's no potions or witchcraft involved. The last thing we want in our life is strife. Where there is strife there is every work of evil. Jesus gave us the power to cast out evil. So why endure it any longer?

James 3:16, “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion an every evil work.”

Never brag or reveal your binding decrees unless it warrants it, but never to the person you've bound. You want to be discreet. You're walking in a different type of authority that will set you apart from most people. If someone sincerely says, “You look great and well rested and stress free, what's going on? How do you manage?” Then you may reveal to them, especially if it can help them as well. Remember, the saying, Each One Teach One.

Start taking control of your life and making decrees. Stop dealing with the unnecessary stress, drama, and confusion from others and walk in your God-given authority. You'll feel better, look better, smile more, and love and laugh more. Never look for or entertain drama, but rather cast it out of your presence and into the abyss in the name of Jesus the Christ. And so it shall be.

Now, many people have a time with making decisions and sticking with them. Don't play tug-o-war with binding and loosing. Make a decision and stick with it. You can't be wishy-washy. One minute you bind the next you loose, rather be consistent in your path.

Binding and loosing is an area that many look down upon or, but if it is a practice that works for you, then nothing else matters.

Until next time


Why I Say the Rosary Daily

Many might ask, “What do you get out of saying the Rosary daily? And isn't it a form of vain repetition?”

As Catholics many of us are used to judgments from others. As a result, many have turned away from the faith, feel shamed, or become stronger in their faith.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted the prophets which were before you.” Matthew 5:10-12

I am not ashamed to say that saying the Rosary daily, preferably in the morning, has brought great joy to my life. I will admit that oftentimes when I hold the Rosary in my hand I think of Pope Pius IX, saying, “Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.” That is such a powerful statement. Sometimes I don't believe people, even Catholics, understand just how powerful the Rosary is in spiritual battle and the conquering over the enemy. Whether your enemy is depression, mental or physical illness, strongholds and addictions or any of the vices the Rosary is one way to overcome those trials in your life.

When we say the Rosary, we begin with the affirmation of our faith — the Apostles Creed. Each day I say this creed I am verbally testifying to what I believe. I am telling the angels and other spirits around me that “I believe in God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth...” And this creed is impeded within me. Each time I recite this creed I am not simply uttering or mumbling a few words in a paragraph, but rather it is said with power and strength. “I believe in God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary...”

After the affirmation of our faith we say the Our Father. “Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be don on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” As I recite this prayer, I am meditating on the fact that my Father is in heaven and his name is holy for God is holy. I thank him each day, for every time I reach, I have daily bread, but not food for the stomach only, but daily communion as well as we partake in daily Mass. The bread that we receive, representing the body of Christ and the Word of God, food for our mind, body and spirit and gives us the power and grace to forgive others and fall not into temptation from the evils of the day.

Next is the Hail Mary. “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death Amen.” Now, Mary plays and important role in the Catholic faith and many non-Catholics have a problem with having reverence for Mary. Which honestly baffles me because you don't have a problem with the Valentine's Day Cupid, the Easter bunny, Halloween ghouls and gremlins, the Thanksgiving Day turkey, or Santa Claus, but with Mary there's an issue. I believe this issue comes from a lack of knowledge in Catholicism and hearsay rather than self study.

When we make reverence to Mary, we are honoring her as the mother of Jesus. We are honoring and meditating on her role in the Mysteries as a mother. We are meditating on Luke 1:28-30, “And the angel came in unto her (Mary), and said, Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her ind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God.”

And in Luke 1:41-44, “And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”

Next we say the Glory Be. “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be; world without end Amen.”

When the Rosary is recited all of the passages surrounding Jesus' life is remembered and meditated upon; thus, Mary having an important role in his life being highly favored of God. We know that God does not have favorites, but there are some who are highly favored based on their relationship with God; hence many, while meditating on Mary, can't help but focus on Jesus which draws them closer to the Father. Many would still have an issue but rather than judge, “Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind...Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.” Romans 14:5b & 22b.

The first Five Joyful Mysteries include; the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Nativity; the Presentation, the Finding of the Lord in the Temple. Take for a moment, can you imagine as a Mother, looking for your child and not knowing where he is and then when you find him he's teaching in a temple? As a mother your first thought is, “I've been looking all over for you!” And you just want to crab him and kiss and reprimand him at the same time. As I am reciting the mysteries and as a mother I can understand in some instances how Mary must have felt. Rather I can get a sense of how she felt.

As I meditate on the Five Sorrowful Mysteries which include; the Agony in the Garden; the Scourging at the Pillar; the Crowning with Thorns; the Carrying of the Cross; the Crucifixion. The Agony in the Garden itself is a mystery. Can you imagine how it would feel knowing you're about to be crucified while carrying on the weight of the sins of the world and how all of that weight felt while carrying the cross? Thank you, Jesus for allowing me to cast my cares on you and for dying for my sins. These are the questions and the mysteries that one ponders while saying the Rosary.

The Five Glorious Mysteries include; the Resurrection; the Ascension; the Descent of the Holy Spirit; the Assumption of Eternal Life, Devotion to Mary. When we recited the Apostles Creed at the beginning and said, “...I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body and life everlasting, Amen.” The Apostles Creed includes all the 15 decades of the mysteries. I can't help but be reminded of my affirmation of faith when I conclude with the Five Glorious Mysteries as we recited at the beginning, so it is at the end.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be; world without end Amen.”

I do need to mention that there are also Five Luminous Mysteries or Mysteries of Light that were introduced by Pope John Paul II in his October 2002 Apostolic Letter and they are: The Baptism of the Lord; the Wedding at Cana; the Proclamation of the Kingdom; the Transfiguration; the Institution of the Eucharist. When I meditate on these mysteries I do them separately on Thursday. And I ponder the power of the kingdom at hand on each mystery.

Following the 15 or 20 Mysteries some will say the Fatima Prayer. “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy.” We're asking Jesus to deliver us and save us from the Lake of Fire. As I say this prayer I recognize and understand that there are many who deeply dwell in the wickedness and lusts of this world. Those individuals are not to be envied, but rather pitied and we are asking Jesus to have mercy on those souls who are on a fast path toward destruction. For we fear the God who can kill both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28

We conclude with the Hail Holy Queen. “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy! Hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope! To you do we cry poor banished children of Eve; to you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us O Holy Mother of God; that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen."

Let us pray. “O God whose only begotten Son, by His life, death and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal salvation; grant we beseech Thee, that meditating upon these mysteries in the most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary; we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise through the same Christ our Lord Amen.”

NO. The Rosary isn't simply a repetition of vain sayings. It is a repetition and a meditation on the life, power and promises of Jesus the Christ.

The Rosary is a meditation on the life of Christ from being in Mary's womb to the giving of the Holy Spirit, even his coming to judge the earth. Whether I am saying the Rosary in the privacy of my own home, in the backyard, at the beach or in the park... Christ is there, Jehovah Shammah is present. And yes, Christ should be present in everything we do and everywhere we go, but as I meditate on his life, it draws me and allows me to go deeper into, not only his life, but the great Virgin Mary's, the Apostles, and all the events surrounding that time in history, Biblically speaking.

When I say the Rosary, I am meditating on what happened and why it happened and the events surrounding how it happened. Thus, my mornings begin with the life of Christ in my mind, heart and soul. The recitation of the Rosary has given me important revelations regarding life and making decisions. It has added more peace to my life and a calmness dwells about me when things around me are challenging. However, with that peace has also come power and authority to recognize when the adversary is attempting to enter my life or shake things up a bit.

Saying the Rosary really boils down to a personal belief and your walk with God. There are Catholics who are just as different as Protestants. There are Protestants who believe in the rapture and some do not. There are Catholics who say the Rosary and some do not. There are Protestants who attend church regularly, some go once or twice a year or in name only. There are Protestants and Catholics who read the Bible daily or regularly and some do not.

Your relationship with God is just that — yours. And you either have a relationship or you don't. There are wise virgins and there are foolish virgins and there will be many whom Jesus will say, “I never knew you...” Matthew 7:23

God Bless


Walking in Your Season

Our opening scriptural verse for today is, Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.”

Today's message for September 26, 2017 is, Understanding Your Season

As we read in Ecclesiastes 3 there are many seasons. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to reap and a time to sow. A time to gain and a time to lose. A time to be silent and a time to speak. A time to weep, and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance. A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace. And there are many other seasons that we can think of that are not mentioned, but one of the seasons that I want to focus on today is, a time to embrace and a to refrain from embracing.

Many might say or think, “I thought we should be loving and embrace all the time?” However, that is not entirely correct. My main focus today is geared around relationships. We all have different relationships. We have a relationship with our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, other relatives, friends, children, neighbors, co-workers, student-teacher, and in-laws. And there is a season for each of these under the heavens, but some of those relationships mentioned, will come to an end.

If we begin with student-teacher relationships we understand that those type of relationships are only developed during the course of your learning. For instance, if you're in college, you might have a teacher for a semester and when that semester has ended, you are no longer in a student-teacher relationship. Your co-workers are only your co-workers during the time you are working together with the same company. If you and one of your co-workers become friends and one of you leaves the company, you are no longer co-workers, but rather friends.

If you live next door to a person or across the street, that person is your neighbor. When one of you relocates, you are no longer neighbors. By chance, if you happen to see that person somewhere, they are no longer your neighbor, but rather your former neighbor.

Your family members will always be your family members, even if your relationship with them is not close. Due to bloodlines and/or adoptions they will always be considered your relatives. Your in-laws are your in-laws when you are married. Should you get a divorce they are no longer your in-laws, but rather your ex's mother, father, sister, brother or your former in-laws. If you have developed a friendship, then they would be considered your friend, rather than an in-law or former in-law.

I think some of you may know where I am going with this.

Now, when talk about seasons we must understand the season that we are in and how it relates to those around us. Hence, life isn't all about us and what we want. As we walk in wisdom we have to consider those around us as well. In other words, we must take into account a reversed scenario. As in how would you feel if the situation was reversed?

Oftentimes, we stay in a season longer than we should and we exit a season earlier than we should. For example, how many of you know someone who still has a relationship with their ex's family? I'm not talking about one or two members, but many. When there is a family gathering they are there. Holidays, birthdays, graduations... they are there. When there is no family gathering, they are around. How many of you have heard someone say, “Oh, it's because of the children.” But what happens when there are no children or the children are grown?

You can refer to a season as a room with a revolving door. And I say revolving door because we have choices and free-will and many of us go back through the revolving door. But how many of you know, that's not healthy all the time? But let's not get that confused with finishing what we have started; hence, sometimes we must go back in order to move forward. But when we are referring to seasons, we must move forward. We live life backwards, for we remember our past; however, we must live our life forward.

When we talk about a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing we are referring to a season for both. When your son or daughter has married it is a season for you as a parent to embrace your son or daughter-in-law. Not to be over-bearing, but to genuinely attempt to know your son or daughter-in-law. If they are recently married, that is the season you and them are in. The season of embracing.

If your sibling has gotten married or re-married, it is a season for you to get to know your brother or sister-in-law. That is the season of developing and embracing that relationship. If an ex is constantly in the picture, the season for embracing has been turned into doubt and question. We all have individuals whom we click with more than others. But I have often wondered if it's because we haven't taken the time to form a relationship with those whom we do not click with from the beginning.

Some relationships take off right from the start and some need time to marinate. That's why it's so important to understand the season that you're in. For those relationships that need time to marinate that is the season for developing, nurturing and strengthening that relationship.

Take a moment and think about your relationships. Those individuals whom you clicked with right from the beginning, are they still in your life today? How are they in your life today? Is the relationship strong, filled with trust and faithfulness? How many of you are still friends with a person whom you didn't really like at first?

Oftentimes, we move on too fast and fill our mind with assumptions and speculations with those relationships that needed time to marinate. We tend to follow those whom we are already connected with. We listen to hearsay and we follow our own understanding of what we believe to be true. And when people do that, many times they come to an understanding or have a wake-up call or revelation saying, “Oh, my goodness what have I done?!” And although they may have gotten this revelation, perhaps years later, the season for marinating may have ended.

It's important to understand the season that you're in.

Have you said or have heard someone say, “If they don't want to be my friend or get to know me that is their loss?” What you will find is, if you're honest, and you take a step back for a moment, those who make assumptions and speculations don't make statements as the one above. Those who are non-judgmental, usually with a welcoming heart, makes a statement as such. Understanding the season that you're in, also includes having the wisdom to discern the type of person who is in the season with you. Not being wise in your own understanding, but having the wisdom to discern the person and season.

Sometimes we can stay in a season longer than we should. As parents we tend to take a liking to our son or daughter-in-law, but when that relationship has ended in divorce and there's another spouse, it is time to recognize the season for embracing and refraining from the former. And what this means is, your heart is bigger for both, but respecting that which is now.

As an ex, you might still love, still want to keep the relationships that you have formed, but you must respect that which is now, which does not necessarily include the former. For if the shoe was on the other foot, you would want the same treatment. It is important to understand your season.

When we hold on to seasons longer than we should, chances are, we are not growing in love or maturity. Have you ever looked back on your high school friends and noticed that some of them are still doing or acting the same as they did while in high school? It may be twenty or thirty years later and you don't see a difference other than a few pounds give or take.

Embrace the season that you're in. Grow in love and maturity and wisdom. Then when that season has ended, walk proudly through that revolving door and keep moving forward. Don't allow anyone to pull you back into their season, for their season may not be your season. People who hold on to a season... need company. That is why we read in Ecclesiastes 3:5 , “...there's a time to refrain from embracing.” Meaning to be far from. This not only includes the season but those in the season as well.

This is the journey of the soul. When you move on, you move on in spirit and in truth. Knowing that you did all that you could do to embrace the season you were in, qualifies you to move on to the next journey. And that is the next season.

Until next time.

Books to add to your library!

The Virtuous Woman's Diary: Spiritual Warfare for Woman by Von Cook

The Power to Raise the Dead by Von Cook

Prayers and Chants

African American women have always been a very spiritual people. We are, and can be, very unique in our spiritual practices. We have learned from our mothers, our grandmothers, great-grandmothers and aunts, how to have an active prayer life and how to direct our prayers accordingly. We have seen the tears of our mothers and grandmothers and even from women we do not know. We have seen the bond and support between friends who have loss a loved one or going through a particular issue. We have seen on many occasions how our African American sisters come together in a time of need.

With everything that is going on in the world today. It is time for us to return to the prayers of our ancestors. As many of you will remember, our ancestors prayers were not always "loving" or "forgiving" prayers. Our ancestors prayers had a lot to do with what they truly felt in their hearts at that time. For those of you who are followers of the Bible, you have read David's prayers to the most High God. David's prayers most often were to bring wrath, judgment, destruction, even blindness to his enemies. David also would ask God, "What do you want me to do? Do you want me to fight them or?" David was always in prayer before he did anything he went to God in prayer. 

Today, in 2016 with everything that is happening in the world today we need to get back to the prayers of our ancestors which also include the prayers of David, especially those found in the Psalms. Directing our prayers to what we truly feel in our heart. Sometimes it's hard to express and we might just sit in the presence of God and sway or moan, but when we have the words, ladies use them. Use your words and pray in truth directly your prayers accordingly.

Psalm 145:18, "The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth." 

If you are not a praying woman and really don't know where to begin, and this is new to you... here's a start:  

Deliver us from evil.

Did you know those four words are very powerful words? You expect the Father in heaven to deliver you from evil as the Lord's Prayer states. Deliver us from evil or deliver my husband and sons from evil. 

As I stated, direct your prayers to the truth of today such as, Father deliver my husband and children from evil and make them invisible to the evil ones in blue. Yes, I said in blue. The evil ones in blue. We see what's going on in the world today, but yet, many are still choosing to be passive with their prayer life while all them is falling. It's time that we all direct our prayers accordingly. Everyday, throughout the day say a prayer, chant a few words or sentences from the Bible. 

Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 tells us that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. Now is the time to keep you and your family, especially your sons, spiritually protected under the wings of the most High God. The book of Psalms is filled with prayers for protection and the heartfelt prayers from David. David poured his heart out to God and God always came through. He heard him and instructed him accordingly. 

The first two sentences in Psalm 94 below, says a great deal. David is asking God to show himself. He understands that vengeance belongs to him and in so many words David is asking God to bring it on... shut it down. How many times did God show himself in the Old Testament? Plenty of times. How many times did God say, "I am the God of Israel" and their enemies were shut down? Plenty of times. Why would God stop now? He's the same God!

Why not, instead of marching for justice with raised fists and loud words, try this:

Chant for God to bring Justice from Psalm 94

O God to whom vengeance belongeth show thyself. 
O God to whom vengeance belongeth show thyself. 
O God to whom vengeance belongeth show thyself.

The above verses can be said/chanted whenever you see injustice. We've seen so much injustice over these past few weeks. Why hasn't the protest included these verses? No Justice No Peace is not relevant for these times. When you really think about it, we're not at peace, but the oppressors are. It's time to get back to the prayers of our ancestors. We don't need raised fists or weapons of destruction for we serve a mighty God who abhors wickedness. 

I know this is different for many of you, but these are the times in which we live in. And for those of you who practice African traditional religions I haven't forgotten about you. The Boukman prayer below was said right before the Haitian revolution which was a victory! 

Dutty Boukman Prayer

"The God who created the earth; who created the sun that gives us light. The God who holds up the ocean; who makes the thunder roar. Our God who has ears to hear. You who are hidden in the clouds; who watch us from where you are. You see all that the white man has made us suffer. The white's man's god asks him to commit crimes. But the god within us wants to do good. Our God, who is so good, so just, He orders us to revenge our wrongs. It's He who will direct our arms and bring us the victory. It's He who will assist us. We all should throw away the image of the white man's god who is so pitiless. Listen to the voice for liberty that sings in all our hearts."

Some may believe the prayer is racist or said to start riots or the like, but you know what... it's a truthful prayer. It's a prayer that came from the heart of a people who were... tired of the bullshit. And their fight was a successful victory. Calling upon our Gods as oftentimes, more times than not, led to success. 

I have heard a few say, "God is waiting on us." And could that statement be true? As Trump would say, and I'm not a fan, "What do we have to lose?" I have never heard us as a people call upon God in a march or protest... why not? We're always begging to be treated fairly, but yet we're a praying and spiritual people, who rarely lift up our voices to God. 

The most High God has many aspects and we can't be afraid to call upon those aspects. Now is the time, Ladies to direct your prayers accordingly without fear. And watch your God work as His Word says and God's Word will never return to you void.

Walking in Wisdom

Our opening scriptural verse is taken from the book of Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Today's message for September 25, 2017 is entitled, Walk with Wisdom, Not Your Feelings

A great many of individuals, as many of us have heard the phrase, wear their feelings on their shoulders. Their life is dictated according to their feelings. If they feel like doing something, they will do it. If they don't feel like doing something, even if they have promised, they won't do it. Why? Because their emotions rule the course of their activities. Their emotions rule how they will respond to certain situation. Their emotions decide whether or not they will like a person or dislike a person. Their emotions set the stage for, whether or not they will have a good day or bad day. In other words, they live their life according to the flesh.

When we live our life according to the flesh, we are not walking in wisdom, but rather we are walking in our own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-7 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes.”
  • stop letting your emotions run your life
  • stop allowing how you feel dictate what you will do or not do today
If you are angry with a person, you can't let your feelings decide how you will treat them or what you will do or say to them the next time you see them. How many of you have ended relationships, even long friendships because your feelings were hurt? How many of you have ever quit your job because your supervisor or another co-worker said something that made you upset, or sad? Or you didn't like their presentation and how they said something? Or asked you to do something that you did not want to do because you didn't feel like it at that time? Then later on that evening or the next day or two you're sitting at home wishing you had not quit,especially when it dawns on you that you have bills.

When you wear your feelings on our shoulders, the bills are not on the forefront. The rent is not on the forefront. That vacation next month is not on the forefront. That new outfit is not on the forefront? Thanksgiving and Christmas gifts are not on the forefront. Because when we wear our feelings on our shoulders, our feeling at that particular moment become the pedestal, and everything else drops under the shadow of your feelings.

When you wear your feelings on your shoulders, reactions take precedent over thoughts. Oftentimes, negative and costly situations can be avoided if you just take a moment and think them through. Instead of saying, “I'm mad at my boyfriend so I'm going to flatten his tires and smash up his car!” Or “I don't like what she said, so I am going to curse her out!” Or you just have a good old-fashion fit. None of those situations will solve anything. After you have ha that good old-fashion fit, you probably have torn up and broken plates, glasses, walls, furniture, even your cellphone; and now, it all has to be cleaned up, fixed and/or replaced. How many of you know that fits can be very costly?

Then you have to ask yourself was it worth it?

Let the truth be told. The majority of the negative situations that have occurred in our life, we have had our part in it as well. Yes, we played a role as well; however, many love to play the role of victim. In every situation, you have played your part. Whether you were terminated from your job, whether or not you're not getting along with someone, you have had your part in that particular situation, even if it's a small role in the relationship.

The relationship with your co-workers, your supervisor, your family, friends or spouse. Whatever is not going right with any of those relationships you have had your part in it as well. And now it's time to stop playing the victim role and start owning your truth. The truth about you, the truth of how you feel, the truth of how you handle situations, own it and then strive to change it.

Change is a word that many shy away from. For when we change we must leave something or someone behind. Oftentimes, change is needed in order for us to mature and grow in love and wisdom. We have to stop using the excuse of that's how I am. Or I'm too old to change. I'm fifty-years-old and I'm not going to change. Or as many ladies use, I have PMS. We have to stop making excuses when we allow our emotions to rule instead of our sound mind.

And you know what... we are not going to get along with everybody. Sometimes our spiritual gifts kick in and we can discern the spirits within others. Jealousy, greed, anger, envy and our spirit will not allow us to get too close. But sometimes our immaturity causes us to judge without knowing a person. In the process, the person has already been tried, found guilty and hung out to dry. And this is what happens when a person walks according to their own understanding.

The person you have negative feelings about, has feelings as well. So don't be so quick to jump on the phone and voice your broken heart when you too, have contributed to the situation. Did you know that people who are easily offended are very quick to gossip or eager to hear the latest gossip?

It is very important that we reason before we react to something that we've seen, or heard first-hand or second-hand. We all should know by now that second-hand and beyond information is the worst type of information that a person can receive. Second-hand information is non-reliable. There are pieces of the puzzle missing and pieces put in that don't belong there. This is why we reason before we react.

Let's take a look at the word reason. You will be surprised at the number of people who hear a word, but has the wrong definition for what the word truly means. The word reason means, a fact or circumstance that gives logical support to an assertion, claim or proposal: For example, what is your reason for voting as you did? A justifying fact or consideration. Exact, valid, and rational reasoning. Logic. What is sound or reasonable. Sense. The best definition in my opinion for the word reason can be summed up as, a healthy mental state...sanity. Which goes perfectly with II Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Can you imagine how different the gospels would read had Jesus worn his feelings on his shoulders? When the Pharisees said his miracles were performed by the prince of devils Beelzebub. (Matthew 12:24). Oh that's just Joseph's son, the carpenter (Matthew 13:55-56). Can you imagine Jesus wearing his feelings on his shoulders with the betrayal of Judas? (Matthew 26:15) And Peter denying him, not once, but three times? (Matthew 26:75). Can you imagine everyone that you broke bread with, loved, taught, and prophecied to, leaving your side when you need them the most? (Matthew 26:56). Can you imagine your people, those who knew you and walked with you, choosing evil over you? And ordering your death, mocking and laughing about it?

Can you imagine how different the gospels would have read, had Christ worn his feelings on his shoulders? And many walk around here today... offended at the smallest comment or action, when nine times out of ten wasn't even intended in the manner in which they received it. Because their emotions took precedence over the message.

Matthew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” But how will your light shine if it's covered under your emotions? Guess what? It won't. Your light cannot and will not shine when anger is present. Your light will not shine when hostility and strife are present within you. Your light cannot shine when you are easily offended. Your light cannot shine when you always have to get the last word. Your light cannot shine when you're throwing a fit. Your light cannot shine when your reasoning or mental state is cloudy.

Proverbs 4:5,7 tells us to, “Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Not revenge, not tit-for-tat, not the last word, not a good old-fashion fit, but wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing... above all else.

I Kings 3:1-13 is for you to read and meditate on. It's the story of Solomon and how God appeared to him in a dream and asked him, “What shall I give you?” And Solomon asked for wisdom and an understanding heart. He didn't ask for long life or riches, but for riches and an understanding heart and that pleased God. And God granted him wisdom and an understanding heart in addition to riches and honor.

Until next time.

Books to add to your library!

The Virtuous Woman's Diary: Spiritual Warfare for Woman by Von Cook

The Power to Raise the Dead by Von Cook

Thursday, November 2, 2017

resucitar a los muertos

¿Alguna vez has pensado en resucitar a los muertos? Imagina cómo sería la vida si todos tuviéramos la fe para resucitar a los muertos. Los padres que lloran por sus hijos no existirían. Los niños pequeños que lloran por sus padres nunca serán un problema. No me refiero a un mundo imaginario lleno de hadas y magia  sino a un mundo en el que todos vivían según la comisión de Jesús. 

 Mateo 10: 8, "Cura a los enfermos, limpia a los leprosos, resucita a los muertos, echa a los demonios; gratuitamente los recibiste, da gratuitamente". 

Esta fue la comisión que Jesús dio a sus discípulos, y estamos viviendo en una época donde muchas personas están empezando a tener el deseo y la fe de caminar de acuerdo con esta comisión. Si estás leyendo este material, entonces probablemente también seas uno de ellos. 

Criar a los muertos no es su tema de elección diario, pero si queremos realizar los milagros que Jesús nos encargó, ahora es el momento de comprender el poder detrás de las obras. 

Juan 14:12, "De cierto, de cierto te digo, que el que cree en mí, las obras que yo hago, él las hará también, y mayores obras que éstas, él hará, porque yo voy a mi Padre". 

Estamos viviendo en una era donde nuestras generaciones más jóvenes no van a sentarse y ver a otros tener iglesia. Esos días están llegando rápidamente a su fin. Con cada generación, entramos en una generación "muéstrame". Muéstrame por qué debería creerte? Muéstrame cómo hacer esto? Enséñame a hacer lo que haces? El mundo está cambiando enormemente; aunque el Padre es el mismo, hoy y ayer, es imperativo que volvamos a los caminos de nuestro Padre celestial para realizar las obras que hizo Jesús y aún más obras. 

Hemos estado explorando el libro The Power to Raise the Dead de Von Cook, pero hoy quiero centrarme en el poder detrás de resucitar a los muertos. 

 II Timoteo 1: 7, "Porque Dios no nos ha dado el espíritu de temor, sino de poder, y de amor, y de una mente sana".

Un aspecto importante que muchos cristianos no entienden es el poder. Creo que es porque el cristianismo ha sido tan diluido a lo largo de los años. Y la mayoría simplemente prefiere sentarse y dejar que Dios lo maneje, dejarlo tomar el volante mientras esperan el rapto de la iglesia. ¡Habla de tu iglesia laodiceana! Ahí es donde muchos están hoy, a pesar de que nunca lo admitirían. Aunque puedan ir a la iglesia todos los domingos o sábados, muy pocos pueden sanar a los enfermos y expulsar demonios. 

Hoy, quiero enfocarme en la palabra poder. La palabra poder significa, la capacidad o capacidad para actuar o desempeñarse efectivamente. Significa tener control o autoridad. El derecho y el poder de mandar, decidir, gobernar o juzgar. Jesús nos ha dado este poder y nos ha encargado que lo usemos. ¿Cómo sabemos esto? 

En Génesis el sexto día, se nos dio el dominio sobre toda la tierra. Esto incluye el dominio sobre los peces del mar, el ganado, las aves del aire y sobre todos los seres vivos que se mueven sobre la tierra. Dios ha otorgado el dominio masculino y femenino sobre la tierra. (Génesis 1: 26-27) Este dominio se le dio a todos los que caminan sobre la tierra. No fue simplemente dado a los cristianos y no fue dado solo a los judíos, sino que fue dado a todos. 

El poder y el derecho de comando y control se les dio a todos. El único problema es que este comando y control se rige principalmente por la oscuridad porque muchos cristianos no están ejerciendo su autoridad de acuerdo con la comisión que nos fue dada. Dios nos ha dado poder sobre cada cosa viviente sobre la tierra, como leemos en el Génesis, luego Jesús vino y nos dio poder sobre los muertos y sobre todos los enemigos también. 

El poder se nos ha dado, y ahora todo lo que tenemos que hacer es usarlo. 

Miremos la palabra dominio. Significa controlar o ejercer el control. El territorio o esfera de influencia o control; reino. También significa el derecho a mandar, gobernar, juzgar o decidir. Basado en esas definiciones de la Concordancia Strong # 7287 y Roget's II The New Thesaurus, Dios nos ha dado dominio o control sobre cada ser viviente en nuestro reino de influencia, además del poder para resucitar a los muertos. 

Es importante que comprendamos con qué estamos caminando. El Espíritu Santo nos ha dado el poder para resucitar a los muertos. 

Cuando piense en el poder, piense en el poder que tiene sobre sus hijos (edad escolar). Usted decide qué ropa usarán en la escuela, qué comerán, a dónde irán durante el fin de semana, qué pueden comprar en la tienda, qué pueden mirar en la televisión, etc. Si usted es supervisor, usted tiene control e influencia sobre aquellos Bajo usted. Usted decide cuándo pueden tomarse unas vacaciones, tomar un descanso para almorzar, qué proyectos serán pagaderos, si reciben un aumento o no, si se despedido o no, etc. 

Si no es padre o supervisor, piense en la influencia que sus padres o abuelos, tías, etc. tienen sobre usted. Si trabajas para alguien, piensa en lo que puedes hacer y en lo que no puedes hacer sin permiso. 

Al meditar en esos ejemplos, piense en el poder que Dios le ha dado en su ámbito de influencia con respecto a resucitar a los muertos. Muchas veces creemos que no somos dignos, o que es para otra persona y no para nosotros. Eso está muy lejos de la verdad. Dios te ha dado poder. 

Lucas 10:19, "He aquí, te doy poder para pisotear serpientes y escorpiones, y sobre todo el poder del enemigo ..." 

Uno de los poderes del enemigo es la muerte. "Por tanto, como los hijos participan de carne y sangre, él también participó de lo mismo, para que mediante la muerte destruyera al que tenía el poder de la muerte, el diablo". Hebreos 2:14 

Cuando realmente comienzas a mirar las Escrituras y cuál es el papel del enemigo en nuestra vida, podemos realmente apreciar y entrar en autoridad. Sí, la muerte es el dominio del demonio. El diablo tiene poder sobre la muerte. Es su reino. Está escrito en las Escrituras y cuanto más estudias, más descubrirás que no está en la voluntad de Dios que nadie perezca, sino que todos procedan al arrepentimiento. (II Pedro 3: 9) 

Estoy muy entusiasmado con esta temporada en la que estamos y muy feliz de comenzar este curso para los muchos que están experimentando un llamado a realizar las obras de Jesucristo y obras aún mayores que estas.

Ministro Rubio