It was a Sunday afternoon and I quickly walked into the Olive Garden Restaurant to pick up my food. Take out was a regular for me on Sundays after church service. It was rather crowded, a little more than usual, but I didn't expect to be in there too long. But while I was waiting for my food to arrive, a young man, probably in his late teens or early twenties, complimented me on my gold necklace which read, I Love Jesus. I thanked him and continued to be on the lookout for my food.
“I'm John, by the way,” he said extending his hand.
“Abbey,” I responded. Then continued to look for my food.
I noticed John looking at me from the corner of my eye, but anxiously awaiting my food I ignored him.
Then all of a sudden he asked, “Can you tell me about Jesus?”
I was almost taken aback.
What! I said internally.
I had been a Christian for nearly 28 years and nobody had ever asked me that question before. NEVER. It almost seemed unreal, unnatural to ask me a question of this nature in public. I hesitated for a moment, gathered my thoughts, and began to tell him about Jesus. I was a little rocky at first, for he caught me off guard, but within a couple minutes, the Holy Spirit rested upon me. Then my love for Jesus and all of his sayings and miracles poured out of my mouth like water. And all of a sudden, my food was no longer important.
I learned a valuable lesson that day. Telling someone about Jesus doesn't happen in church too often, it happens in the world around you.
Brothers and sisters, if someone approached you and said, “Tell me about your Lord,” what would you say? Would you have a summary or story right away or would you have to get back to them in a few minutes?
When we talk about having a relationship with Jesus Christ, many do not stop to ponder the questions, “What is my relationship with Jesus? Do I truly have a relationship with Him? Can I tell someone about Jesus if asked?”
How many of you have spent hours, days, even years getting to know your boyfriend or girlfriend, friends, or co-workers? What about your cell phones or new cars? But how many of you have truly taken the time to get to know Jesus?
One of the biggest deceptions many Christians are partaking in at this moment is, deceiving themselves into believing that they have a relationship with Christ. We know from Bible scriptures that many will not be able to enter the kingdom of God when they believe with certainty they will.
Matthew 7:22-23, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in they name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you...”
When we look at the word knew, in the Strong's Concordance #1097, it means, to come to know. The only was we can come to know someone is by having a relationship with them. The way we have a relationship with Jesus is by reading our Bible, communing and praying with our Lord, spending quiet time in the word, and studying to show ourselves approved. (II Timothy 2:15)
As we come to know Jesus, we come to know the Father. As we come to know the Father, we have a relationship with Jesus. For no man goes unto the Father except through Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). Thus, wouldn't it be well with us to personally know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ more than our material items and earthly relationships?
Matthew 15:8, “This people draws near unto me with their mouth; and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.”
Did you know that when we are conversing with a new Christian, backslider, or one on the verge of losing his or her faith, they simply want assurance in what they are believing? They want a word of encouragement, but mostly, they want to see Christ in you.
Jesus said, “Feed my sheep,” (John 21:17). The only way we can feed the sheep, the flock of Jesus, is if we have the meat to feed the sheep with. So, I ask you the question, brothers and sister, “Can you tell me about Jesus?”
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God bless you all. Stay safe, wise and prayerful in these days that are upon us and be ready to feed the flock.
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