When the hour has come, what will you be doing?
If Jesus were to come knocking at your door, what would you be doing? If you take a moment to think about your life, and your walk with Jesus toward eternal salvation, whatever you spend the most of your time partaking in, nine times out of ten, is what you will be doing when Jesus knocks at your door. Whether it is watching television, playing video games, gossiping, lying, partaking in the sins of the world, exploring the Internet, hurting others, swearing, stealing, fighting, displaying acts of hostility or the like, is what you will be found doing at the hour of Jesus. Those are the things that are closest to your heart. Would you drop your head in shame while in Jesus' presence? More than likely the answer to that question is, yes.
There are some individuals who have spent, and are spending, the majority of their lives carrying the spirit of envy, greed, pride, rage, confusion, fear, and lust. In other words, they are living according to man's law, and not God's laws. Man's laws changes with the wind; however, God's laws never changes. It is, and always will be, the same. It really doesn't matter how many designer clothes one has, or how large their home is, or what make of vehicle one drives, or how expensive one's jewelry is. Keeping up with, or passing the Jones', is not considered a job well done in God's eyes. None of those material items of the world will lead a person toward eternal salvation. You can't take them with you; however, you can take righteous works with you on the day and time of judgement. Hopefully, a person's righteous works will outweigh the number of luxury cars and other items of the world.
Most people would like to think of death, or the great day of tribulation, as being far, far, far away. While others do not think of it at all. And a select few may think they are immortal. However, you can be here today and deceased tomorrow. For no one knows the hour or the day that the Lord is coming. "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." Matthew 24:42 Therefore, we want to strive toward pleasing Him in everything that we do. We want to be a blessing toward others while praising and worshiping Him and only Him. We want our spiritual robes to be fully woven with righteous acts that are pleasing for entrance into eternal life.
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Tribulation Begins Soon Get Ready
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Tribulation Begins Soon Get Ready