Let's Discuss the Incubus
I want to discuss the Incubus today. And this is a topic that many practitioners do not delve in, I'm not sure if it's because of embarrassment or it's simply not a topic that many want to discuss. As you are probably aware, the Incubus is a male spirit that comes to a woman while she is sleeping.
The woman may be awaken by the inward feeling of his presence, or by the sensations of his presence. What we believe is a sexual dream may in fact be an Incubus, especially if you do not remember your dream.
If you are a person who dreams a lot and for the most part you can remember your dreams, but on this particular night you don't, but are awakened to inward feelings, it may have been an Incubus that crept in overnight.
Now, some females experience this quite often and find it very pleasurable. And there are others who may have experienced this only once or twice. Then there are some who wish for this to happen to them...for whatever reasons, who's to judge them.
If this happens to you often, say two or three times a month or more, and some may say two or three times isn't often, but it is when we are dealing with spirit, you may have a spirit around you, that is very fond of you intimately. You have a lustful spirit in your presence. And sometimes when this occurs it may cause problems in your marriage, or any other relationship that you have where you are intimate.
Even though you may welcome this pleasure now, it may, in the long run, not be very pleasurable. Many women who have experienced the feelings of an Incubus have noted that it can not be compared to anything else, or anyone else I should say. There is none that can compare. Is that a good thing? Who's to judge? For some may say, “Yes definitely” while others say, “No way.” Who's to say, it's wrong or right? But one can certainly be cautious.
If you do not welcome this spirit and you are a Christian or Christian Witch you can always call upon the name of Jesus and the spirit will leave. If you are a practitioner, and you do not want to be fondled, because the Incubus fondles you while you're sleeping and for some even when they are awake, but usually it's while you're lying down. If you suspect that you're being fondled at night, and you're awakened to certain sensations, you can certainly inquire through your God or Goddess or whatever spirit or Orisha you work with and inquire of it, what type of spirit is around you and what is its purpose or intentions for you.
Sometimes we attract lustful spirits. It's definitely not uncommon. We notice in the Holy Bible in Genesis 6 how the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair and took them wives as they chose and also bore children with them. And we know fair means, attractive. The sons of God were attracted to the women and took the wives as they chose, and this is what happens to many women at night. They are fair to the Incubus, and they come into you as they choose, and fondle you has they wish, and stop when they're done.
I remember this movie that appeared on Lifetime, years ago. It was a story about a woman who was being pleasured by a ghostly male, who would come into her at night and she would awaken so refreshed and satisfied, and she would kiss her husband, and tell him how great he was last night, and he would always look at her in a strange way. About the third time she complimented him, he said, “We didn't do anything last night. You must have been dreaming.” And she was in awe.
The next day she was looking through some photographs and saw this ghostly male figure standing by her in every picture, and she knew then he was the one coming into her at night.
Television shows and movies has a way of demonizing some things, but making others look glamorous. In the movie, it was never called an Incubus, it was just a ghostly male who found this woman very attractive and she did not dislike the effects of her pleasure until it started to disrupt her marriage. It could have been classified as a romance movie, that was complicated! But this goes on a lot, but many don't discuss it.
The idea of the Incubus has been around for a very long time, it's nothing new, perhaps unheard of to some, but it's nothing new. Society changes names of events, entities, or creatures over the years. I can't imagine the Bible saying, “And the Incubus saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose...and also after that, the Incubus came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them...” This happened in Genesis 6, but the words were the sons of God, but isn't that what the Incubus does today? They come down and into the women, as they choose, a lot of times without our consent. And we're all daughters of men; are we not?
There's more to the stories of the Incubus than what we read about and what religious sects tell us. Many Christians will tell you today that we're living in the Days of Noah, well...Genesis 6 occurred during the Days of Noah, and it's so similar to the Incubus.
As practitioners, we tend to be avid readers, most of us love inquiring knowledge, and we quickly notice similarities in a lot of stories and events. Many practitioners have a variety of books. We don't just hold on, or adhere to one book, for many of us have a very extensive library, or can quickly recall books that we've read over the years.
The point is, if this is an event that has happened to you or is happening to you, you're not alone. It is happening to many women. There are some who even say they no longer believe their spouse or partner is themselves in the bedroom...they change. Everything is the same, but intimately it's different.
Remember, there are steps you can take if you don't wish to be pleasured during the night. Prayer, calling on the name of Jesus; asking ancestors to intervene has worked with some, but you must find what works for you and stand your ground every time.