Monday, September 26, 2016

Chants and Prayers for the African American


African American women have always been a very spiritual people. We are, and can be, very unique in our spiritual practices. We have learned from our mothers, our grandmothers, great-grandmothers and aunts, how to have an active prayer life and how to direct our prayers accordingly. We have seen the tears of our mothers and grandmothers and even from women we do not know. We have seen the bond and support between friends who have loss a loved one or going through a particular issue. We have seen on many occasions how our African American sisters come together in a time of need.

With everything that is going on in the world today. It is time for us to return to the prayers of our ancestors. As many of you will remember, our ancestors prayers were not always "loving" or "forgiving" prayers. Our ancestors prayers had a lot to do with what they truly felt in their hearts at that time. For those of you who are followers of the Bible, you have read David's prayers to the most High God. David's prayers most often were to bring wrath, judgment, destruction, even blindness to his enemies. David also would ask God, "What do you want me to do? Do you want me to fight them or?" David was always in prayer before he did anything he went to God in prayer. 

Today, in 2016 with everything that is happening in the world today we need to get back to the prayers of our ancestors which also include the prayers of David, especially those found in the Psalms. Directing our prayers to what we truly feel in our heart. Sometimes it's hard to express and we might just sit in the presence of God and sway or moan, but when we have the words, ladies use them. Use your words and pray in truth directly your prayers accordingly.

Psalm 145:18, "The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth." 

If you are not a praying woman and really don't know where to begin, and this is new to you... here's a start:  

Deliver us from evil.

Did you know those four words are very powerful words? You expect the Father in heaven to deliver you from evil as the Lord's Prayer states. Deliver us from evil or deliver my husband and sons from evil. 

As I stated, direct your prayers to the truth of today such as, Father deliver my husband and children from evil and make them invisible to the evil ones in blue. Yes, I said in blue. The evil ones in blue. We see what's going on in the world today, but yet, many are still choosing to be passive with their prayer life while all them is falling. It's time that we all direct our prayers accordingly. Everyday, throughout the day say a prayer, chant a few words or sentences from the Bible. 

Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 tells us that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. Now is the time to keep you and your family, especially your sons, spiritually protected under the wings of the most High God. The book of Psalms is filled with prayers for protection and the heartfelt prayers from David. David poured his heart out to God and God always came through. He heard him and instructed him accordingly. 

The first two sentences in Psalm 94 below, says a great deal. David is asking God to show himself. He understands that vengeance belongs to him and in so many words David is asking God to bring it on... shut it down. How many times did God show himself in the Old Testament? Plenty of times. How many times did God say, "I am the God of Israel" and their enemies were shut down? Plenty of times. Why would God stop now? He's the same God!

Why not, instead of marching for justice with raised fists and loud words, try this:

Chant for God to bring Justice from Psalm 94

O God to whom vengeance belongeth show thyself. 
O God to whom vengeance belongeth show thyself. 
O God to whom vengeance belongeth show thyself.

The above verses can be said/chanted whenever you see injustice. We've seen so much injustice over these past few weeks. Why hasn't the protest included these verses? No Justice No Peace is not relevant for these times. When you really think about it, we're not at peace, but the oppressors are. It's time to get back to the prayers of our ancestors. We don't need raised fists or weapons of destruction for we serve a mighty God who abhors wickedness. 

I know this is different for many of you, but these are the times in which we live in. And for those of you who practice African traditional religions I haven't forgotten about you. The Boukman prayer below was said right before the Haitian revolution which was a victory! 

Dutty Boukman Prayer

"The God who created the earth; who created the sun that gives us light. The God who holds up the ocean; who makes the thunder roar. Our God who has ears to hear. You who are hidden in the clouds; who watch us from where you are. You see all that the white man has made us suffer. The white's man's god asks him to commit crimes. But the god within us wants to do good. Our God, who is so good, so just, He orders us to revenge our wrongs. It's He who will direct our arms and bring us the victory. It's He who will assist us. We all should throw away the image of the white man's god who is so pitiless. Listen to the voice for liberty that sings in all our hearts."

Some may believe the prayer is racist or said to start riots or the like, but you know what... it's a truthful prayer. It's a prayer that came from the heart of a people who were... tired of the bullshit. And their fight was a successful victory. Calling upon our Gods as oftentimes, more times than not, led to success. 

I have heard a few say, "God is waiting on us." And could that statement be true? As Trump would say, and I'm not a fan, "What do we have to lose?" I have never heard us as a people call upon God in a march or protest... why not? We're always begging to be treated fairly, but yet we're a praying and spiritual people, who rarely lift up our voices to God. 

The most High God has many aspects and we can't be afraid to call upon those aspects. Now is the time, Ladies to direct your prayers accordingly without fear. And watch your God work as His Word says and God's Word will never return to you void.

Until next time.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


Gossip the Destroyer

When we hear the word gossip, some of us immediately recall our high school or middle school years. Or our time spent as a cheerleader, or in a sorority. But gossip is a spirit that many carry with them throughout their entire lifetime. They eat, crave, sleep and feed off the information of others, like a parasite mistaken for cancer, as it destroys the body from within and without.

Gossipers, who are defined as talebearers in the Holy Bible, can ruin much more than a person's character. They destroy relationships, they destroy another person's self-esteem, they destroy everything that...could have been. Gossip destroys what could have been, even the gossiper's soul. And since he sows discord among friends and family and oftentimes conveys lies, it is one of the acts that births the things that God hates. Let's list them:

Proverbs 6:16-19, “These six things does the LORD hate: yes, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren.”

You might not think about it often, but gossip leads to all of the above. Most of the gossip you hear has a lie in the midst of the words. I often wonder how someone can know and believe so much about another person when they don't talk, see or spend quality time with them? And how is it for someone to believe the lies, to be swayed into believing the lies, who does not talk, see or spend quality time with the person either? I have often wondered which one was worse the talebearer or the one who believes the talebearer?

How many of you can keep a secret? Gossipers cannot keep a secret they have to tell somebody. If the first person isn't answering the phone, they'll hang up and they'll call right back. Now, they have other people on the list whom they can call, but the first person is their main Ace. They may not take you information all the way to CNN, but perhaps the local news will suffice. How many of you can keep a secret? Did you know that people who gossip, only gossip to people who gossip. Birds of a feather flock together. People who gossip, gossip to others who gossip.

Proverbs 11:13, “A talebearer reveals secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit conceals the matter.” Which one are you?

Proverbs 18:8, 26:22, “The words of a talebearer are as wounds and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.”

Our belly is the center point of the body. It houses all that is good and evil. A lot can be noticed about a person simply by looking at their belly. You immediately notice pregnancy; a person's diet; and whether or not they exercise. A person also carries stress, drama and gossip within the realms of the belly. However, we can release toxins each time we use the restroom, and toxins are also released when we gossip; however, the toxins from gossip are returned to us through our ears. It's a continuous flow starting with the ears to the belly, from the tongue and back to the ears again, and back into the belly where it usually stays. That is why we must be careful what we bring into our body and what we take out of our body.

Proverbs 20:19, “He that goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flatters with his lips.”

Proverbs 26:20, “Where no wood is, there the fire goes out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceases.”

It is so amazing to me that every family has a talebearer. If you want to spread the news you know exactly who to tell. When you really sit back and ponder for a person can spread so much information in such a little bit of time it's mind-bottling. Before you can get out of their driveway or off the telephone they are on the phone revealing the information. But when that talebearer is not around, everything is smooth. Have you ever gone to a family gathering and the talebearer was not present? Wasn't it a wonderful time? It certainly was on my end.

What type of person are you? Do people come to you with their problems or to gossip? Do people confide in you or are they always talking about another person to you? Be honest with yourself. What type of people flock to you? Does your spirit entertain meddlers or does it immediately put up a red flag?

Always be mindful of what you share with others. Gossip destroys relationships. My mother gave me some really good advice that I've passed down to my children and it is, “Your best friend as another best friend.” Thus, when my mother put it to me like that it all made sense. I remember that day as if it happened yesterday. I was in the 9th grade and I was so angry because a friend of mine told my secret to someone else. What kind of secret could you possibly have in the 9th grade? A crush on a boy of course and now my secret was out, but the person she revealed it to was her friend. Thus, when my mom said, “Your best friend as another best friend,” I couldn't be angry anymore in all fairness. I simply stopped telling her my business. And the next year, we both went to different schools and never saw each other again anyway.

When you're young there is going to be gossip — a lot of it. When you're older and really getting up in age, the key is to look younger, not act younger.

Selling Your Soul to the Devil

Selling Your Soul to the Devil

Does a person really sell their soul to the devil? We hear a lot of talk regarding some celebrities, musicians and actors selling their soul to the devil. Can you really sell your soul to the devil? Let's think about it for a second... Is it that easy to sell your soul? Is it even possible?

The first thing we must do is ask the question what is a soul? Oftentimes, the words soul and spirit are used interchangeably. Today, there is a lot of confusion surrounding the two and many have come up with their own ideas and fascinations not according to the Bible, but rather from Hollywood movies which really gives us nothing more than further unanswered questions.

Let's take a look at some scriptures regarding the soul.

Genesis 2:7, “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.”

Man became a living became a living being.

Genesis 2:7, (NKJV)“...And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”

I Corinthians 15:45, “And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul...”

As we read in the scriptures above, a living being and a living soul are the same thing. And notice man became or made a living soul; thus, he wasn't given a soul, man is a soul.

Ecclesiastes 12:7, “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”

The spirit returns to God and the body returns to earth. Dust of the ground is the body. The breath of life is the spirit of God. The soul is the human being. It was the breath (Spirit) of God that brought Adam to life making him a living soul.

James 2:26, “For the body without the spirit is dead...”

Ezekiel 18:20, “The soul who sins shall die.”

Many believe the soul was placed in your body as they often show on television. If that be true, then our soul is sinning and not us. Thus, not making us responsible for our own actions. When you think about it, it's delusional. That would mean we have a little entity running around causing havoc in our body making us commit certain acts and crimes beyond our control.

There would be no more saying, “The Devil made me do it, but my soul made me do it!” Absolutely, absurd. The devil doesn't make us do anything, but rather gives us suggestions and whispers into performing certain acts or crimes (possession is a completely different scenario).

Revelation 16:3, “And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.”

If the soul is this bright shining light as often portrayed, how would it die? The spirit is the breath of life given to us by God our Creator. All souls who have the breath of life; that is, the breath of God are walking around on this earth. It's the Spirit of God, God's breath flowing into our nostrils that keep us alive. The spirit and the breath of life are the same thing flowing throughout all living souls on earth.

Luke 23:46, “And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit...”

The spirit within us is the breath of life; therefore, Jesus was saying, Father into thy hands I commend my last breath. Without God's breath our bodies would be lifeless.

Matthew 10:28, “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

The above verse tells us that even though man can kill us, the power of God can resurrect us from the dead. That power is the breath of life entering into our nostrils. Your spirit is that essence of God in you.

Let's suppose the soul was separate from the body. We still don't have control over our soul to sell or to kill it. And nobody else does either. Therefore, we can't sell something that isn't ours to begin with. The soul belongs to the Creator who created it and the Creator alone.

I Peter 3:20, “Which sometime were disobedient, when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.”

From the above verse the word souls is referred to as people.

Now that we have an understanding that the soul is our being. God breathed into Adam's nostrils and he became a living being. Our soul is us. When someone says, “I sold my soul?” We will know instantly that a person can't sell their soul. What the person is really saying is, “I sold myself.” One does not sell their soul; for the soul is them.

Perhaps what some are trying to say is, “I made a bargain with an entity. I made a deal with this entity to possess me and/or to be my muse in order to gain fame and fortune.” To take this even further, how does one make a deal with an unseen force? How can you say without a shred of a doubt that it isn't simply a part of you, a part of your imagination, or something you conjured into your psyche?

Nonetheless, we can't sell our soul to the devil, but a person can certainly bargain with the enemy. But taking a chance that the Creator God will destroy both soul and body. God will no longer give us the breath of life which is flowing through our body, and he can blot us out forever destroying both body and soul.

We don't know everything about this world or the universe above. We do know there are evil forces, gods made with hands, and possessed people in this world. How do we know this? If you are a Bible believer — the Bible tells you so. Do your due diligence, research and study, you'll be amazed at how much you learn.

To sell your soul is to bargain with the devil leading to eternal separation from God. Most often we must watch what we say and how we explain the text in which others are referring to; hence, the younger generation thinks in literal terms and this simply confuses them more believing the soul is a natural object...something that can be held or transformed when it is simply — us as human beings.

Cast it Off in Jesus Name

Binding and Loosing Power

Taking Control of your Life Series

I always say, “There is tremendous power in the Holy Bible. You just have to know how to work.” I hear many people talk about how this person brings on stress and this person brings on drama and how being around certain people—even some family is stressful. Sometimes I listen, but oftentimes, especially if they are a close friend or family member, I'll ask, “Have you read Matthew 16:19?” Typical response is, “Hmm, I'll have to read it to see what it says.” They'll read starting with verse 17 and ending on 19 some may read 20 as well. Then give me...the blank stare.

Okay. In the Strong's Concordance Greek #1210, the word bind means, to tie, bind, imprison, bound, tied, in bonds, knit, wound. The word loose in the Greek #3089 means, to loose, untie, release, break, destroy, put off from, melt, unloose. Whatever you bind on earth in bound in the heavenlies. Whatever you loose on earth is loosed in the heavenlies. If you have someone in your life that is causing you drama you can bind them standing on the word of called in Matthew 16:19.

You can look at binding someone as putting an invisible restraining order against them. You have placed a gate between them and you. To envision a prison is perfect for binding someone for we all have seen a gate or prison bars before. When we bind someone, we're placing them in a gate and they can't come out of that gate until we loose them or free them.

Some may say, “That sounds like witchcraft.” You know what. If you're find in your drama then stay in your drama. What gets me with most Christians is, they believe part of the Bible, but don't believe this part. They accept this portion, but will throw the other portion out the door. They say they love Jesus, but they prefer Paul. They say they're a Christian, but never read the Bible. I will never debate a topic that I know for a fact works. Nor will I recommend something that I don't do. But if you're ready to start taking control of your life then, you take what parts and points work for you and leave the rest. But honestly, keeping it real., it's time for a lot of these baby, scary Christians to grow up, man-up, and put on the full armor of God. It's time to start walking in your authority and stop being afraid of your own shadow. If God has not given us the spirit of fear then why are you walking in fear? Some versions say, “...the spirit of cowardice...”

2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

As a Christian you should be walking in power. The last thing you want is strife in your life. Where there is strife there is every work of evil. Jesus gave us the power to cast out evil. Why aren't you walking in your God-given power?

James 3:16, “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.”

The question at hand is, how do you bind someone? We're not going into some dark forest or room and calling up the gods; get Hollywood out of your mind. The first step you want to take is to ask yourself, “Have I done anything to contribute to this drama?” You must be honest. You can't point out somebody's shortcomings and faults when you have many or are the leading cause of the strife. Look at yourself first in order to see clearly.

Luke 6:41-42, “And why behold thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceive not the beam that is in your own eye...You hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of your own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in they brother's eye.”

Now, if you can reconcile with the individual then do so. But sometimes our spirits aren't in season together for whatever reason and that should be okay. Let them stay over on their side of the street and you stay on your side of the street. But beware: Oftentimes, when we attempt to distance ourselves from others, the drama gets worse. As quiet as it's kept, many people do not like rejection so they will continue to irritate, spread lies, cause strife and pick fights just to get your attention. When that's binding time. This is what you'll do:

Visualize a gate. Visualize the person behind the gate placing them in prison. Visualize a clear distance between the two of you. Visualize no communications whatsoever, no gossip, no mess, no stress; what would that feel like? How would that make you feel? If it will give you a load off your back, then imagine the feeling of that release. If it will ease the tension, then imagine that feeling of exhaling. If it will give you sweet sleep, then imagine that feeling of rest. Visualize it already taking place. It has already happened.

Now... make your decree.

Say with authority: I bind the spirit of strife within_______________(name of the person) and I cut off all cords between the ruling spirit of strife and the Strongman in the heavenlies both hand and foot and I cast them into the abyss in the name of Jesus the Christ. And I bind___________(name of the person) from my personal space, both verbally and physically, from this day forward. I stand on the word of God that says: Whatsoever I shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever I shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. In the name of Jesus the Christ. And so it is.

To say something with authority means to say it firm, stern, and directly without hesitation. Think about it as telling your child, “Don't open the door for strangers. Look both ways before crossing the street.” If you are a supervisor, you're firm in giving directions; therefore, bind in the same manner. If you are new to taking control in this fashion, you may have to say this a few times within the week when you first begin.

Memorize the above decree. Change it to fit your style of speech if need be. Please note: you do not have to go into a corner or secret room to make your decree. If you'd like you can, but you don't have to. You can light a tea light candle or novena candle, if you like herbs and spices feel free to light them if you choose, even your favorite incense. Even it's going to assist you in visualizing your decree then do so, but you don't have to. You can whisper it wherever you are. You can visualize it and say it in your mind. Whatever works for you is what you will do no matter what time of day it is. This is taking control of your life.

Once you bind someone, don't wonder if it happened. You'll know it happened when you ponder for a moment one day and say, “Hey, I haven't seen or heard from Jane Doe is months.” That's when you know your decree has manifested. Don't call and stir up the drama again. Don't gossip about them and wonder what they're their doing. If you see them in a public place, because remember, you bound them from your personal space, don't roll your eyes or suck your teeth upon seeing them. If you see them in a public place, be respectful if they cross your path, greet with a hello...and that's it. Don't go out of your way to greet them, greet if they cross your path. Don't engage in conversation. A simple, “Hello.” If they ask, “How are you?” You say, “Wonderful.” Then discreetly walk away. Anything else defeats the purpose and it cancels out your decree. If you're rolling your eyes, you have the issue. If you suck your teeth, you have the issue. Always be wise as a serpent, but gentle as a dove; therefore, discreetly leave their presence.

When you see the person in a public place you can say to yourself: I bind all negative spirits around me both hand and foot and I cast them into the abyss in the name of Jesus the Christ. And so it is. You can say this to yourself. And go on with your day. Never let seeing them change your mood. You take control of the world around you both physically and spiritually for we don't wrestle with flesh and blood, but with unseen forces (Ephesian 6:12). That is why we put on the whole armor of God so that we are ready for battle at all times.

What I have just recommended for you is how you take control of your life. This is how you take control of any situation that enters your life. If you want a stress free life you will make your decrees, but yet, be discreet about them. Then perhaps with time the two of you can reunite. Perhaps with time your spirits will be in season together and you can loose your decree.

Now, the above decree was to bind the spirit of strife within the person on earth and in the heavenlies, which we did. Subsequently, we do not want to loose the spirit of strife. We still want to bind that spirit, but loose the gate freeing them allowing them access into your life. And this is what you will say:

Say with authority: I now loose the bind decreed for___________(name of the person) from my personal space, both verbally and physically, from this day forward. I bind the spirit of strife within_______________(him/her/them) and I cut off all cords between the ruling spirit of strife and the Strongman in the heavenlies both hand and foot and I cast them into the abyss in the name of Jesus the Christ. I stand on the word of God that says: Whatsoever I shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven:and whatsoever I shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. In the name of Jesus the Christ. And so it is.

What we just did was free the person from prison allowing entrance into your personal space. The person can call, text, write, or communicate with you in any way, fashion or form. However, we kept the spirit of strife bound. If the drama returns, then simply bind them out of your presence again and enjoy your life. There is no law that states we must put up with drama from anyone; whether it be family, friend or foe they've got to go. And so it shall be so.

That's how it goes! But I must say it is different if you're not accustomed to walking in this manner. If you are highly religious you will really be uneasy making decrees, because this isn't something that is taught in your everyday church. Most will shy away from something if it isn't what they've been taught. I understand that; however, everything that I have written above can be backed up with scripture. You can choose to remain a baby Christian or put on the full armor of God. It's your choice. But I will say this, had David been a wimp he would not have won all the battles that he did, nor defeat Goliath. Wimps don't win wars. Let's face it...they don't. You and God make the majority, have no fear, God has your back.

Lastly, never brag or reveal your binding decrees unless it warrants it. Like previously mentioned you want to be discreet. You're walking in a different type of authority that will set you apart from most people. If someone sincerely says, “You look great and well rested and stress free, what's going on? How do you manage?” Then you may reveal to them, especially if it can help them as well. Remember, the saying, Everyone Teach One. And so it is.

Start taking control of your life and making decrees. Stop dealing with the unnecessary stress, drama, and confusion from others and walk in your God-given authority. You'll feel better, look better, smile more, and love more. Never look for or entertain drama, but rather cast it out of your presence and into the abyss in the name of Jesus the Christ. And so it shall be.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Incubus is Sexing You

Let's Discuss the Incubus

I want to discuss the Incubus today. And this is a topic that many practitioners do not delve in, I'm not sure if it's because of embarrassment or it's simply not a topic that many want to discuss. As you are probably aware, the Incubus is a male spirit that comes to a woman while she is sleeping.

The woman may be awaken by the inward feeling of his presence, or by the sensations of his presence. What we believe is a sexual dream may in fact be an Incubus, especially if you do not remember your dream.

If you are a person who dreams a lot and for the most part you can remember your dreams, but on this particular night you don't, but are awakened to inward feelings, it may have been an Incubus that crept in overnight.

Now, some females experience this quite often and find it very pleasurable. And there are others who may have experienced this only once or twice. Then there are some who wish for this to happen to them...for whatever reasons, who's to judge them.

If this happens to you often, say two or three times a month or more, and some may say two or three times isn't often, but it is when we are dealing with spirit, you may have a spirit around you, that is very fond of you intimately. You have a lustful spirit in your presence. And sometimes when this occurs it may cause problems in your marriage, or any other relationship that you have where you are intimate.

Even though you may welcome this pleasure now, it may, in the long run, not be very pleasurable. Many women who have experienced the feelings of an Incubus have noted that it can not be compared to anything else, or anyone else I should say. There is none that can compare. Is that a good thing? Who's to judge? For some may say, “Yes definitely” while others say, “No way.” Who's to say, it's wrong or right? But one can certainly be cautious.

If you do not welcome this spirit and you are a Christian or Christian Witch you can always call upon the name of Jesus and the spirit will leave. If you are a practitioner, and you do not want to be fondled, because the Incubus fondles you while you're sleeping and for some even when they are awake, but usually it's while you're lying down. If you suspect that you're being fondled at night, and you're awakened to certain sensations, you can certainly inquire through your God or Goddess or whatever spirit or Orisha you work with and inquire of it, what type of spirit is around you and what is its purpose or intentions for you.

Sometimes we attract lustful spirits. It's definitely not uncommon. We notice in the Holy Bible in Genesis 6 how the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair and took them wives as they chose and also bore children with them. And we know fair means, attractive. The sons of God were attracted to the women and took the wives as they chose, and this is what happens to many women at night. They are fair to the Incubus, and they come into you as they choose, and fondle you has they wish, and stop when they're done.

I remember this movie that appeared on Lifetime, years ago. It was a story about a woman who was being pleasured by a ghostly male, who would come into her at night and she would awaken so refreshed and satisfied, and she would kiss her husband, and tell him how great he was last night, and he would always look at her in a strange way. About the third time she complimented him, he said, “We didn't do anything last night. You must have been dreaming.” And she was in awe.

The next day she was looking through some photographs and saw this ghostly male figure standing by her in every picture, and she knew then he was the one coming into her at night.

Television shows and movies has a way of demonizing some things, but making others look glamorous. In the movie, it was never called an Incubus, it was just a ghostly male who found this woman very attractive and she did not dislike the effects of her pleasure until it started to disrupt her marriage. It could have been classified as a romance movie, that was complicated! But this goes on a lot, but many don't discuss it.

The idea of the Incubus has been around for a very long time, it's nothing new, perhaps unheard of to some, but it's nothing new. Society changes names of events, entities, or creatures over the years. I can't imagine the Bible saying, “And the Incubus saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose...and also after that, the Incubus came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them...” This happened in Genesis 6, but the words were the sons of God, but isn't that what the Incubus does today? They come down and into the women, as they choose, a lot of times without our consent. And we're all daughters of men; are we not?

There's more to the stories of the Incubus than what we read about and what religious sects tell us. Many Christians will tell you today that we're living in the Days of Noah, well...Genesis 6 occurred during the Days of Noah, and it's so similar to the Incubus.

As practitioners, we tend to be avid readers, most of us love inquiring knowledge, and we quickly notice similarities in a lot of stories and events. Many practitioners have a variety of books. We don't just hold on, or adhere to one book, for many of us have a very extensive library, or can quickly recall books that we've read over the years.

The point is, if this is an event that has happened to you or is happening to you, you're not alone. It is happening to many women. There are some who even say they no longer believe their spouse or partner is themselves in the bedroom...they change. Everything is the same, but intimately it's different.

Remember, there are steps you can take if you don't wish to be pleasured during the night. Prayer, calling on the name of Jesus; asking ancestors to intervene has worked with some, but you must find what works for you and stand your ground every time.