Friday, August 18, 2017

Are You Being Bewitched

Are You Being Bewitched

What's Really Going on in the Pulpit?

Everybody wants to be a pastor these days. But who can blame them? The business of Christianity is huge. Who wouldn't want to make millions, live in a mansion, have summer homes, dress in designer apparel, wear diamonds and pearls, dine at the finest restaurants and hotels, afford the best healthcare, and have one or more jets at your disposal? Who wouldn't want to live an abundant life? So of course, many are going into the business of... feeding the sheep, but the question is, what are you being fed? Are you being fed?

If your pastor isn't teaching you how to heal the sick, cast out demons, and raise the dead, you need to run fast in the opposite direction, simply do an about-face and run. If your pastor is telling you about how the Lord healed his or her disease and you're still suffering with your illness, and you have been suffering for many years... you should have left years ago. If your pastor doesn't know your name or even recognize your face in a crowd, leave now. If your pastor teaches more on tithing than on spiritual warfare, why are you still there?

If your pastor has a habit of speaking in tongues, raising his or her hands towards the congregation, and repeating bible verses... you are being bewitched. If your place of worship doesn't have sunlight entering in where you worship, I'm not referring to the entrance door, but where you sit to worship... you are being bewitched. If your place of worship is dark when your pastor gives the sermon... you are being bewitched. If all the lights in the building come on during the time to tithe... you are being bewitched.

Did you know that it is easier to bewitch 1,000 people than it is to convince one person that he or she has been bewitched? Yes... it is. To be bewitched is another word for deceived or spellbound. Sadly, many churches are subtly operating under deception and many in the church today are bewitched under their pastor's authority and Christians are naive to this simple fact.

Hence, many Christians are unfamiliar with the wiles of the enemy and witchcraft. They have no idea when demons roam the church. The ways of demons are subtle... directly in your face, yet pleasing to the eyes and easy on the ears. Since many Christians hold dear to their pastor's every word, they make excellent targets/subjects; it's like taking candy from a baby. Christians are the easiest to curse (generational or individually), they are the easiest to hex, they are the easiest to deceive, for most Christians do not practice spiritual warfare which makes them sitting ducks in an enclosed pond.

Subtle Acts During Worship

Why do you think you began every service with praise and worship? Song and dance gets the spirits moving. It works on your emotions and gets you in a feel good state of mind. When you're into the rhythm of praise and the drums are getting louder and louder, and people are teary eyed and clapping and swaying and running up and down the isle, and shuffling their feet, then all of a sudden Sister Bennett gets the Holy Ghost, and the drums beat faster and the base gets deeper and... WAKE UP! This is nothing but the beginning of a Voodoo ceremony. A beginning to serving the spirits. The Holy Ghost that Sister Bennett received was nothing more than a possession similar to that at a Voodoo ceremony and many pastors know this. When was the last time your pastor got the Holy Ghost, if ever?

Now, there's spiritual song and dance and then there's possession. Hence, many Christians are bewitched; therefore, the majority of times, it is nothing more than possession. Demons throw you to the ground, they make you laugh hysterically, they love to dance wildly, they make your body shake and move in ways that you don't even do in a club, rock concert, while home alone, or at a family cook-out. It's time to become aware of what is really going on in your place of worship. I'm not suggesting that you sit in your place of worship as quiet as a mouse or as still as a board... absolutely not. You don't want to be the church of the Laodiceans (Revelation 3:14-16). What I'm suggesting to you is, to test each and every spirit (I John 4:1). Never simply allow your pastor to continually speak to you in a language that you do not understand, especially if he or she never has an interpreter or refuses to have one.

Did you know a witches serious and most intense spells are performed in Latin or the language of their gods? When your pastor speaks in tongues, someone in the congregation should know what he or she is saying (Acts 2:6-8); otherwise, it's mere babble from the demons in the church. If your pastor does this often, he or she is bewitching you while you sit there none the wiser; hence, you are spellbound. Privately, ask your pastor what he or she is saying. Converse with other members of the church and inquire about the speaking of tongues. If nothing is resolved, run fast and find a bible teaching church or study group.

Also, when your pastor raises his hands, or points a lot during his or her sermon... you are being bewitched. The raising of the hands in witchcraft brings power to the person and influence over the area. If they raise their hands and hold them with stretched out arms... they're spell casting; if they wave their hands, such as in a swaying motion, arms stretched out, they're gathering energy from the congregation.

The lifting of the hands, as well as the movement of the hands and fingers, is pertinent in witchcraft. It's a receiving and casting method. A spell will never come to pass without energy flowing. And energy flows through the fingers, hands and arms. If your pastor does this often, especially when reciting a scripture repetitiously... you are being bewitched.

If you're worshiping in a dimly lit atmosphere, please question and observe everything regarding your surroundings. Why is there very little light? Some pastors will say, “It's dimly lit for video or camera purposes.” Don't fall for the deception. Everyone should know that videos are enjoyed better when you can see more. Don't be deceived. Demons love darkness. It's easier to cast spells in darkness, or dimly lit areas, than to chant or cast in the light; if not, your deeds will be made known (John 3:19). Therefore, you must be the light in the face of darkness in order to shatter the darkness.

In closing, you may have mixed emotions after reading this article; however, this article will come to mind the next time you step foot in your place of worship. I'm even willing to say, your place of worship came to mind while you were reading this article; did it not?

Keep in mind, this doesn't apply to all places of worship, but be watchful, observe, and look around and I guarantee, one of you reading this article is spellbound.


Discussion Questions
  1. Is your pastor a millionaire?
  2. Is your pastor healthy while many in the congregation are not?
  3. Does your church have light entering in?
  4. Does your pastor know your name? Will he or she recognize you in a crowd?
  5. Does your pastor speak in tongues regularly?
  6. When was the last time your pastor got the Holy Ghost, if ever?
  7. Will you even admit to being bewitched today, or in the past?

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